《摩登家庭》第1季第10集 第2期:天真男(在线收听

 Are you crying? 你哭了吗

What are you, a robot? It's a deeply emotional movie. 你是机器人吗  多么感人的电影啊
Manny, miamor, I need you to help me in the kitchen. 曼尼  亲爱的  你到厨房来帮我下
We gotta finish this first, Gloria. 先让我们看完这部电影  歌洛莉亚
The kid's never seen Miracle on 34th Street. 这孩子从没看过《34街奇迹》
That's because he always 那是因为他一直和我家人
spends Christmas in Colombia with my family. 一起在哥伦比亚过圣诞节
And all we see there is Salazar and El Oso Save Christmas. 我们看的是《萨拉萨尔和大熊拯救圣诞》
Sounds like a classic. It is. 听上去很经典啊 确实
Mom, can we finish the movie? 老妈  能让我们看完电影吗   
Okay. 好的
He's not like anyone else. 他和别人那么不同
He must be Santa. 他一定是圣诞老人
I think perhaps you're right, Susie. 我想你可能是对的  苏西
What the hell is that? 那是什么玩意啊
What the hell is that? 那是什么玩意啊
Inocente! What the hell? 傻冒  什么玩意
When you told me we were going to watch this movie, 当你说我们要一起看这部电影时
I got a joke copy from the Internet. 我就从网上下了这个恶作剧版的
You are the inocente! 你就是傻冒
Well, maybe I'm a little confused right now. 我好像有点弄不明白状况了
What is this "Inocente" Stuff? 什么是傻冒
In Colombia, practical jokes are a Christmas tradition. 在哥伦比亚  恶作剧是圣诞传统
The one that is fooled is the inocente! 被愚弄的人就是傻冒
We tell practical jokes on April Fool's Day, 我们在愚人节时才会恶作剧
So do not do that again. 千万别再搞这一套了
"Inocente." 傻冒