《摩登家庭》第1季第10集 第9期:面对孩子狠不下心(在线收听

 Hey, don't look at me. 不要看我

Only one of us was ever caught playing with matches. 我们中只有一个人  曾经点火柴玩
Luke? 卢克  
That was a year ago. Just admit you did it. 那是一年前的事了  承认是你干的吧
You admit you did it!  No! 你承认吧  不
Okay. Look, I have an idea. 好吧  我有个主意
Do you remember the movie Spartacus? 你们记得斯巴达克斯那部电影吗
Here's what we do: 我们这么做  
Luke, you tell Mom and Dad it's your fault. 卢克  你去告诉爸妈是你做的
I didn't do it. - It doesn't matter. 可我没有  -那没关系
Because after you confess, 因为你招了后
Haley and I will each confess to the same thing. 我和海莉也会分别承认是我们做的
How does that do anything? 那有什么用
They'll be so touched that we're protecting each other... 他们会因为我们保护彼此而感动的
that they'll have to bring back Christmas. 然后他们就会把圣诞节还给我们了
That's awesome. 太棒了
How does it work again? 为什么此计可行来着
We're gonna pass into legend. 我们会成为传奇的
The parents who canceled Christmas. 取消了圣诞节的父母亲
I thought you'd be happy. 我还以为你会高兴
They'II write songs about us, 他们会把我们写进歌里
make one of those Christmas specials with those ugly little clay people. 用那些丑陋的小泥人制作圣诞特价玩具
You're the one who always says 你老是说我
I shouldn't be such a pushover with the kids. 面对孩子时就狠不下心来
So this is where you decide to make your stand? 所以你就这样表明自己的立场吗
Really, Phil? - Okay. Okay, look. 菲尔  -好吧  好吧  听着
Don't worry. We're going to have Christmas. 别担心  圣诞节会回来的
We've raised our kids right. 我们家孩子那么有责任有担当
Whoever did it will come forward. 不管谁做的  都会主动站出来承认错误
Or the other two will rat 'em out. 不然另外两个也会把他供出来的