英语听力精选进阶版 10735(在线收听

A government official in Tanzania has told the BBC that President of Burundi Pierre Nkurunziza has not been able to return to his country and appears to have been ousted by the military. The plane taking him back after the army seized power was told it could not land and then returned to Tanzania. Mr. Nkurunziza had been in Dar es Salaam for a regional summit when news of the coup broke. From Bujumbura here’s more to Julian.

坦桑尼亚一位政府官员告诉BBC,布隆迪总统皮埃尔·恩库伦齐扎(Pierre Nkurunziza)未能回到自己的国家,似乎已被军方驱逐。军方夺取权利后搭载总统回国的飞机被告知不能着陆,然后返回坦桑尼亚。军事政变的消息传来时,恩库伦齐扎正在达累斯萨拉姆参加区域峰会。布琼布拉,Julian报道更详细内容。

Hours after an attempted coup, it’s still unclear who’s in control of Burundi. Thousands flooded to the streets to celebrate after General Niyombare announced Pierre Nkurunziza was no longer President, calling it a victory of the people. In the capital Bujumbura, there had been two weeks of protests against the president’s bid for a third term, which opponents say is illegal. But the situation is far from stabilized. Now the army appears to be divided between loyalists and supporters of the coup. And there’s been gunfire in the city center overnight.


The US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Linda Thomas-Greenfield said the US was monitoring the situation. “We are watching the situation in Burundi up to now very closely. And we’re very concerned about the reports that we’re getting. And our main concern now is to call on all the parties to end violence and to exercise restraint.We made it very clear that we’re prepared to take targeted measures including imposing visa bans to those who are involved in the violence.”

美国负责非洲事务的助理国务卿琳达·托马斯·格林菲尔德(Linda Thomas-Greenfield)表示,美国正在密切关注最新形势。“目前为止我们一直密切关注布隆迪的最新形势。我们非常担忧收到的报道。我们最关心的是呼吁各方终止暴力,克制情绪。我们明确表示,我们做好充分准备对引发暴力的人实施有针对性的措施,包括实施签证限令。”

The United States Embassy in the Afghan capital Kabul says an American citizen has been killed in an attack by gunmen on a guesthouse in the city. Shots are heard as armed men stormed the Park Palace Hotel. Details about the number of people caught up in the attack remain unclear. Police say three gunmen had been killed and the situation is now under control.


America’s National Transportation Safety Board says the Amtrak train that crashed in Philadelphia on Tuesday night was traveling at more than twice the speed limit. An engine on the train braked moments before it left the tracks. At least seven people died. Robert Sumwalt is from the NTSB.

美国国家交通安全委员会表示,周二晚上在费城脱轨的北美铁路公司火车行驶速度超过限速的两倍。火车上一个引擎在火车脱轨前一刻刹车。事故造成至少7人死亡。Robert Sumwalt在美国国家交通安全委员会报道。

Maximum authorized speed through this curve was 50 miles per hour. When the engine-induced brake application was applied, the train was traveling at approximately 106 miles per hour.


In the United States, the jury in the trial of the Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has begun deliberating whether he should be sentenced to life in prison or be given the death penalty. Tsarnaev has already been found guilty on 30 separate charges relating to the attack in 2013.


Suspected Boko Haram militants have attacked the outskirts of a state capital in the northeast of the country. Residents of Maiduguri reported two hours of intense gunfire around the military barracks. Army officers said they have fought off an attack by several hundred militants.


There have been conflicting reports about whether the deputy leader of Islamic State has been killed in an airstrike on a mosque in Iraq. The Iraqi Defense Ministry said Abu Alaa al-Afari was killed while meeting with other IS members near the northern city of Tal Afar. But the US military has denied bombing on mosque and says it cannot confirm reports of al-Afari’s death. Here’s our Arab Affairs Editor Sebastian Usher.

关于伊斯兰国激进分子二号头目是否在伊拉克境内针对一座清真寺的空袭中被击毙出现了互相矛盾的报道。伊拉克国防部表示,阿夫里(Abu Alaa al-Afari)在北部城市Tal Afar与伊斯兰国其他成员会晤时被击毙。但是美国军方否认轰炸了清真寺,称不能证实关于阿夫里死亡的报道。我们的阿拉伯事务编辑Sebastian Usher报道。

The Iraqi Defense Ministry has posted a video showing a devastating strike on a building. It says it’s the bombing that killed Abu Alaa al-Afari. But there’s no other supporting evidence so far. An Interior Ministry spokesman said it’s unclear if al-Afari was even there. If he is dead and it is a big if for now, it would be a blow for IS.Al-Afari had been a contender for leadership of the group in 2010 and he’s believed to have stepped up to that role in recent weeks, with rumors that Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the self-declared Caliph has been greatly wounded.


A Brazilian television station is developing a series that will reveal the largely unknown history of the huge number of Brazilians descended from African slaves. The program will use DNA tests to shed light on the origins in Africa of five people. The participants will travel to Africa to establish contact with their homeland.


A series of private letters written by Prince Charles to British government ministers a decade ago have been published after a lengthy legal battle by a newspaper to have them released. They show the heir to the throne raising concerns about a wide range of issues including farming, education and the armed forces. Catherine Mayer is writing a biography of the Prince.

一家报社经过漫长的司法斗争之后,查尔斯王子十年前写给英国政府部长的私人信件终于公布于众。这些信件显示这位王储对一系列问题表示担忧,包括农业,教育和军队问题。Catherine Mayer正在撰写查尔斯王子的传记。

I think the people who like Prince Charles like Prince Charles because he does this stuff, and the people who don’t like him don’t like him because he does this stuff, so in a sense, where we are is that we have more flesh on the bones of what this stuff is. But it is not something that I think is mercifully going to shift public opinion.

