
Thousands of custom and border protection agents trained here every year in the state-of-the-art high-tech facilities where they learn martial arts and self-defense. This facility in Harpers Ferry, Virginia is one of the agency’s largest. Vice President Mike Pence visited the advanced training center for the first time with Homeland Security Secretary Kirsten Wilson.


Being here today in this event, we’re being able to learn how we train our trainers, make it possible for CBP personnel to do the often very dangerous work at our southern border. So I’m grateful what it happens here every day. Put your hands up, down on the ground!


Border patrol agents in training and other law enforcement agents can practice their skills in different full-size scenarios. On this virtual simulator, students learn how to react to different scenarios that actually occurred at the southern border. Supervisors rate the students’ performance and run the practice again. CBP students also learn how to restrain a suspect. Inside a gym, trainers teach them to defend themselves.


The center has a mock custom vehicle port of entry where teachers drive up in cars as they are preparing to cross the border. Students in training interact with drivers and check the vehicles. This is a few parts of it. We train other federal agencies here. We train state locals. At first, it’s a testament to men with CBP because I’ll confirm with an additional voluntary training. So they continued to improve themselves, outside our two world prototypes, Vice President Pence watch over an emergency drill. Opened in 2005, the West Virginia Custom and Border Protection Facility is one of six nationwide. And an average of seven to eight thousand agents and students received training every year.

