英语听力精选进阶版 10780(在线收听

Greece has become the first advanced economy ever to go into arrears with the International Monetary Fund. It’s failed to pay back 1.6 billion Euros to the IMF and its international bailout agreement has also expired. From Brussels, Chris Morris.

希腊成为未偿还国际货币基金组织(IMF)债务的首个发达经济体。希腊未向IMF偿还16亿欧元的债务,其国际救助协议也已过期。布鲁塞尔,Chris Morris报道。

“This is not how international diplomacy or finance is supposed to be conducted. A series of last minute proposals are in an atmosphere of mountain chaos. At the end of a topsy-turvy day, another Greek request for an extension to its current bailout has been rejected. But there will be more exploratory talks on whether a third bailout is an achievable aim. Without one, Greece is in dire straits, cut off from all international financing, and skating on dangerously thin ice. If it can’t repay a debt to the European Central Bank on July 20 that would probably be the end. It’s already failed to pay the IMF on schedule and it’s running out of options to keep it in the Euro zone.”


The Greek Economy Minister George Stathakis says the government will continue to look for solutions to the Greek problem despite its latest bailout request being rejected. He told the BBC that he thought the solution was sure be found that kept Greece within the EU. “I am quite relaxed because I think that what most of the time we are talking about make sense. It’s rational, it’s compromising solutions. And I think that whatever else is highly dangerous, and I don’t think that anybody would try to follow the very dangers, but which is a huge cost for the Greek society and the European economy.”

希腊经济部长乔治·斯塔萨基斯(George Stathakis)表示,尽管其最新的救助请求遭拒,政府会继续寻找希腊问题的解决方案。他告诉BBC,他相信一定能找到让希腊继续留在欧元区的解决方法。“我非常放松,因为我认为,我们一直以来讨论的话题都是有意义的,都是理性的,妥协性的解决方案。我认为其他的提议都非常危险,我不认为其他人会铤而走险,但是希腊社会和欧洲经济将付出巨大的代价。”

The United States officials say the US and Cuba have reached a deal to reopen embassies in Washington and Havana. The deal is a major milestone in a process which began with secret negotiations and took off last December when both presidents announced a thaw in relations.


The world’s biggest greenhouse gas emitter China has for the first time made a commitment to the United Nations to try and produce 20% of its energy from renewable sources within 5 years. Roger Harrabin reports.

世界上最大的温室气体排放国中国首次向联合国承诺,五年的时间内实现20%的能源来自可再生资源。Roger Harrabin报道。

“China’s beset by pollution from the industries that have lifted the nation out of poverty. Smog closes airports, there is a war against desertification. Now China has announced its solution. It involves getting 20% of its energy from renewable sources by 2020 and ensuring its emissions of carbon dioxide peak by 2030 at the latest and increasing its forests. Previously, China considered pollution its sovereign concern. This is the first time it’s made its commitments to the United Nations. It’s part of the great endeavor to tackle climate change at the UN climate summit later this year.”


The Yemeni’s state news agency says more than 1000 prisoners have escaped from a jail in the central city of Taiz when it was attacked by groups of armed men. The agency said the attackers were Al Qaeda‘s supporters.


A former Colombian paramilitary leader Salvatore Mancuso has been sentenced to almost 16 years in jail in the US for drug trafficking. He‘s been sentenced in Colombia to 8 years on charges which included torture, force disappearances and murder. The organization he helped found the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia is believed to be responsible for the death of around 11000 people. His lawyer said he had received a reduced sentence in the US after providing valuable information about the activities of other paramilitaries.

前哥伦比亚准军事部队领导人Salvatore Mancuso因贩卖毒品在美国被判处近16年监禁。他在哥伦比亚因虐待,军队失踪和谋杀等控罪被判处八年监禁。他协助创立的哥伦比亚联合自卫军据信导致大约1.1万人死亡。他的律师称,他提供了关于其他准军事部队活动的情报后在美国获得减刑。

The governor of California Jerry Brown has signed a new law requiring all children in the state to be vaccinated against measles from next year. Previously, parents were allowed to refuse immunization for the children for personal reasons. It follows an outbreak of measles in Disneyland which affected more than a hundred people. America was declared free of measles 15 years ago, but health officials say increasing numbers of parents were declining for vaccination driven by fears of possible side effects.

美国加利福尼亚州州长杰里·布朗(Jerry Brown)签署了一部新的法律,要求从明年开始该州全部儿童注射麻疹疫苗。之前,家长有权因私人原因拒绝接种。后来,迪士尼乐园麻疹疫情爆发导致100多人感染。15年前,美国宣布已经没有麻疹病毒,但是卫生官员表示,由于担心副作用,越来越多家长拒绝接种疫苗。

The Hollywood stars Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner have announced that they are to divorce after ten years of marriage. From LA, here is Peter Bowes.

好莱坞明星本·阿弗莱克(Ben Affleck)与詹妮弗·加纳(Jennifer Garner)宣布历时十年的婚姻结束。Peter Bowes在洛杉矶报道。

"Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner met on the site of the film Daredevil in 2003. They married two years later. Their children are aged 9, 6 and 3. In their joint statement they say the decision to divorce has been made after much thought and careful consideration. We go forward with love and friendship for one another and they say a commitment to co-parenting their children whose privacy they ask to be respected during this difficult time."

“2003年,本·阿弗莱克(Ben Affleck)与詹妮弗·加纳(Jennifer Garner)在电影《超胆侠》片场相识,两年后结婚。他们的孩子分别为9岁,6岁和3岁。在联合声明中,他们表示,他们离婚是经过深思熟虑后决定的。我们之间仍然有爱和友情,他们表示将共同抚养孩子。他们希望在这段困难的时期隐私能够得到尊重。”
