英语听力精选进阶版 10799(在线收听

In an exclusive interview with the BBC, Barack Obama has said the failure to tackle gun control has been the greatest frustration of his presidency. Mr Obama said terrorists killed fewer than a hundred Americans since the 9.11 attacks, but the number of Americans killed by gun violence during that time was in the tens of thousands.


"The United States of America is one advanced nation on earth in which we do not have sufficient common sense gun safety was, even in the face of repeated mass killings."


President Obama pushed for tighter restrictions after the Sandy Hooke School killings in 2012, but the bill to ban assault rifles failed.


Mr Obama has suggested that Britain must continue to be a member of the European Union if it wishes to retain its global significance, and the United States wants Britain to maintain its influence in the EU. The British government will have an EU membership referendum by the end of 2017. A spokesman for the British prime minister said the referendum will address the concerns that British people had about Europe.


US officials say Turkey has agreed to allow American military planes to use the Turkish airbase in Incirlik in a campaign against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria. J B sent this report from Washington.


"The deal comes as Turkey’s involvement in the Syrian crisis has deepened in recent days. A suicide bomber with suspected ties to Islamic State killed 32 people in the border town of Source. Allowing the US to use the Incirlik base would broaden the reach of aerial assaults on the extremist group and help Turkey protect its 800 kilometer-border with Syria."


Nigeria has completed its first year without a single case of polio and will soon be removed from the list of countries where the disease is endemic. Julian B reports.


"Three years ago, Nigeria seemed to be losing its battle against polio. More than half of all the world's cases were recorded in the country. The legacy of a decision by some northern states to ban vaccines in 2003. The jabs were claimed to spread sterility and HIV/AIDS, but the government has won over the traditional leaders and managed to step up its campaign despite the insecurity in the north of the country. Its success has raised hopes that polio could soon become just the second human infectious disease after smallpox to be eradicated."


United Nations Human Rights Committee has called on Canada to take urgent action to protect indigenous women and girls from rising levels of violence. The UN panel said Canada needed a national inquiry to investigate hundreds of murders and disappearances in recent years. Activists say the violence is a major problem, especially in the western province of British Columbia.


The US Republican presidential hopeful and reality TV star Donald Trump has made a two hours' visit to the Mexican border where he insisted that building a wall between the two countries was the only way to destroy what he called "Mexican criminals" from entering the US. Despite angering the Hispanic committee with his derogatory remarks about Mexicans, some opinion polls suggest that he leads the race for the Republican nomination.


United States has asked Paraguay to extradite Nicolas Leoz, the former president of South America’s Football Confederation. Mr Leoz was one of the main suspects in the huge bribery and money laundering scandle being investigated by the US Justice Department. He has maintained his innocence. Our America’s desk editor Candice P reports.


"At the heart of the US ivestigation, it’s the sale of football marketing in TV rights and what was done with the revenues. The scandle has almost excusively involved officials and businessmen representing the Americas' region. As the former president of the South American Football Confederation, the Paraguay Nicolas Leoz was at the center of a web of contacts and deal makers.


Finally, the American space agency NASA has announced the discovery of the first near-earth-size planet in the habitable zone of a star that is similar to our sun. The new planet dubbed Kepler 452b is located in a zone where it's not too hot nor too cold to support water. Here is Jeff K.


"You and I probably won’t be traveling to any of these planets, you know, without some unexpected breakthrough. But, you know, our children’s children’s children may. The Kepler is the first step where we are finding out if planets like earth are common, the answer seems so far to be 'yes'. You know, the next step is to launch next year's emission which would be to find planets that are, you know, closer to earth. Things we can study more detail. And if we can find those planets, you know, that'll, I think, give humankinds something to shoot for."

