英语听力精选进阶版 10848(在线收听

The general who seized power in a coup in Burkino Faso said he is ready to hand over to a civilian government as proposed by regional mdediators. General Gen Diendere, the Diendere's whereabouts remain unclear. Reports that he had taken refuge at the home of a traditional leader have been denied. More are from David Barfield. Latest report from Burkino Faso suggested that the coup from the regular army are moving into the capital Ouagadougou, to reestablish the authority of the ousted civilian government. General Gen Diendere, who lead a coup by members of the elite presidential guard on Thursday, now appears to be conceding that his position is untenable. He has apologized to the nation, and said he wants to aviod further bloodshed. Through the night, there have been communications involving the army, the guards, French diplomats and civilian leaders about how to bring about a peaceful end game.


Following revelations that the car maker Volks Wagon cheated in emissions test, the US government says it will test diesel vehicles from all the manufacturers for similar violations. VW's share price dropped by about 20%, from Los Angeles, James Cook has more on the wider impact on Volks Wagon. There is a potential in terms of financial difficulties for the company of lawsuits, becasue the whole point of these emmission standards is that they are desinged to keep people safe, desiging to reduce the levels of polution and the atmosphere and you can see the possibility of already healing about this in California of some kind of class action lawsuit against Volks Wagon because of this posibility that they contributed to higher emmissions.


Scot Walker, once one of the favourite to be nominated as the Republican candidate for president of US, has announced he is abandoning his campaign, and called for other candidates to follow his lead. I encourage other Republican presidential candidates to consider doing the same. So the voters can focus on limited number of candidates who can offer a positive, conservative, alternative to the current front runner. This is fundamentally important to the future of the party, and more importantly to the future of our country. Mr. Walker who is the governor of the state of Wisconsin, did not name the current front runner who remains the M billionaire businessman Donald Trump.


A paraplegic man on death roll in Pakistan is due to be executed shortly despite pleas from human rights organization that his hanging would constitute cruel and degrading treatment. Abdul Basit who was convicted of murder 6 years ago, is paralyzed from the waist down. He contracted tubercular meningitis in prison. The supreme court earlier rejected an appeal by his lawyers who said Basit was not able to stand on the gallows. Pakistan's human rights commission has described the planned execution as shocking. World news from the BBC.


The US national security advisor Susan Rice has said Chinese cyber espionage for ecnomic gain is putting an innormal strain on US-China relations and has called for it to stop. She was speaking ahead of the first state visit to the US by the Chinese president Xi Jinping.


A senior official in Brazil's governing Workers Party and a top executive from the state controled oil corporation PetroBras have been sentenced to long prison terms for their role in a huge corruption scandal. One of them, the former Party treasurer, Joao Vaccari Neto is the closest person yet to Brazil's president to be sentenced over the case. From Rio de Janeiro here is Wyre Davies. These are the longest and the most significant sentences yet in a corruption scandal that is undermining the stability and authority of President Rousseff's government. Several officials in some of Brazil's biggest construction firms have been arrested or charged in connection with the long running scheme under which multi-million dollar bribes would pay to politicians, middle man and managers in exchange for lucrative PetrolBras contracts at a time when the company was the driving force behind Brazil's economic boom.


President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela and his Columbian counterpart Juan Manuel Santos have agreed to gradully reopen the border between their two countries as they worked to end a month long dispute about contraband goods. The crisis began when Venezuela closed the border and launched a major anti-smuggling operation.


The former owner of an American peanut processing company has been sentenced to nearly 30 years imprisonment for his role in a Salmonella outbreak that killed 9 people in 2008 and 2009. Stewart Parnell who was convicted last year of knowingly shiping contaminated peanut butter and faking the results of laboratory tests after the toxin was traced back to his Georgian peanut factory. BBC news.

