英语听力精选进阶版 10850(在线收听

Senior directors of the German carmaker Volkswagen are meeting today to discuss what actions to take after the company was scolded manipulating its diesel car emissions tests. The board will also decide whether the company's chief Martin Winterkorn should be replaced. Reports in Germany suggest Mr. Winterkorn has lost the support of key investors following the mass installation of a device to circumvent emission test requirements for diesel cars in the United States. Theo Leggett reports.

德国大众汽车主管们今天召开会议,讨论该公司被指责操纵柴油汽车尾气排放测试后应该采取何种行动。董事会还将决定是否替换公司总裁马丁·文德恩(Martin Winterkorn)。德国的报道称,美国出售的大量柴油汽车安装设备欺骗尾气排放测试之后,文德恩已经失去了关键投资者的支持。Theo Leggett报道。

“Volkswagon has admitted that 11 million cars worldwide use the same engine management software as those which were able to circumvent emissions testing systems in the United States. The company has already set aside 6.5 billion Euros to cover the cost of recalls in efforts to repair its battered reputation. However, it is also facing criminal investigations in the US, and the possibility of very heavy civil fines as well.”


A US pharmaceutical company, that sparked a global backlash when it increased the price of a medication used by AIDS patients by more than 5000%, says the price will be lowered to insure it remains affordable. Turing Pharmaceuticals increased the price from 13.5 dollars to 750 dollars per dose. Ben Bland has more.

美国一家制药公司宣布艾滋病人使用的一种药物价格提高超过50倍以后引起全球强烈反应,现在该公司宣布降价以确保病人仍然负担得起。此前,图灵制药将每剂药物的价格从13.5美元提高至750美元。Ben Bland报道更详细内容。

“For AIDS patients in the US, the cost of the drug Daraprim was to go up from 13.5 dollars to 750 dollars per dose. Martin Shkreli, head of Turing Pharmaceuticals, said it would help fund future drug research. But after severe criticism on Twitter and from Democratic presidential candidate Hilary Clinton, he has now backed down. He has not said what the new price will be.”

“对美国的艾滋病人来说,每剂药物达拉匹林的价格从13.5美元提高至750美元。图灵制药公司负责人马丁·施克莱里(Martin Shkreli)表示,他们将为未来的药物研究提供资金。但是遭遇了推特网友和民主党总统候选人希拉里·克林顿的严厉批评后,他决定放弃。他并没有宣布新的价格是多少。”

Pope Francis has been greeted by President Obama at the start of his first ever visit to the Unites States. He flew into Andrew’s air force base from Cuba, and will spend time in Washington DC, New York and Philadelphia during his six-day visit. The pontiff is expected to draw massive crowds in all three cities.


The British chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne is visiting China's restive western province of Xinjiang. It is the most controversial part of his five-day trip to China. Amnesty International has called Mr. Osborne to press the Chinese to stop, what it calls, the widespread discrimination against the Muslim Uygur population. Mr. Osborne wants the UK to win building contracts in the capital Urumqi. From there, here is John Sudworth.

英国财政大臣乔治·奥斯本正在中国西部省份新疆进行访问。他将对中国进行为期五天的访问,而新疆是其中最具争议的地方。国际特赦组织呼吁奥斯本敦促中国停止对维吾尔族穆斯林的歧视。奥斯本希望能够赢得首府乌鲁木齐的建筑合同。John Sudworth报道。

“The troubled western region beset with serious human rights concerns presents the Chinese authorities with one of their biggest security challenges. Amnesty International says Mr. Osborne's trade mission here risks handing the communist government a propaganda victory. But on the visit to an industrial park in the city of Urumqi, Mr. Osborne told the BBC that he has raised the human rights issues with government officials alongside the wider economic discussion.”


The Chinese president Xi Jinping has insisted that foreign companies are welcomed in his country as China continues to open up its economy. Mr. Xi was speaking to business leaders in Seattle at the beginning of his first state visit to the United States. He said the communist party's economic reforms were enabling the Chinese people to lead better lives.


Leaders of last week's coup in Burkina Faso are expected to hand back power today to the civilian government they ousted. The French news agency says the presidential guards behind the coup have signed an agreement allowing a power transfer. Six West African leaders are due to arrive in the capital after a summit on Tuesday. The UN envoy in the West Africa Eden Jabra said they decided to deploy military and human rights observers. “We hope that these important measures that have been taken will create a conducive environment now for Burkinabes themselves to move ahead for the full restoration of the transitional government. And also to address some of the problems that probably triggered this crisis.”

上周布基纳法索军事政变的领导人今天决定将权利交还他们推翻的平民政府。法新社表示,组织军事政变的总统卫队已经签署了移交权力的协议。周二的峰会过后,六位西非国家领导人将会抵达该国首都。联合国驻西非特使Eden Jabra表示,他们决定派遣军队和人权观察员。“我们希望这些重要措施能够创造有益的环境,让布基纳法索人为了过渡政府的全面恢复而前进。同时也能够解决可能引起这场危机的一些问题。”

The president of the Congo Republic Denis Sassou Nguesso has said there will be a referendum on constitutional changes to enable him to stand for a third term. Mr. Sassou Nguesso has lead Congo for more than 30 years, but he is banned by the constitution from standing again.

刚果共和国总统德尼·萨苏-恩格索(Denis Sassou-Nguesso) 表示将会对宪法改革进行全民公投,使他能够竞选第三任期。萨苏-恩格索已经领导刚果30多年,但是被宪法禁止再次参加竞选。

A new report suggests more than 700,000 women and girls are imprisoned worldwide. Researchers from the University of London compiled data from 219 countries, and say the number has increased by 50% since 2000 outplacing the rise in male prisoners.


A judge in the US has ruled that the lyrics to the most recognized song in the English Language Happy Birthday to You are no longer protected by copyright. Warner/Chappell Music said it acquired the right in 1998, but documentary maker argued the company only had the rights to a specific piano arrangement.

美国一名法官裁决,最受认可的英文歌曲Happy Birthday to You的歌词将不再受版权保护。Warner/Chappell Music表示在1998年获得版权,但是纪录片制作者辩称该公司只有钢琴演奏的版权。
