英语听力精选进阶版 10861(在线收听

A top Honduras businessman and four-time presidential candidate Jaime Rolando Rosenthal has been charged in the United States with drug trafficking and money laundering. Leonardo Rocha has more.

洪都拉斯高级商人,曾四次竞选总统的Jaime Rolando Rosenthal在美国被控贩卖毒品和洗钱罪。Leonardo Russia为您报道更详细内容。

“The US treasury department said the three men made illegal money transits for international drug cartels operating across Central America. They come from one of the wealthiest and most influential families in Honduras. Jaime Rolando Rosenthal is the head of the powerful continental group, which owns a bank, a newspaper and a number of other businesses. His son Yani is a high profile politician. And his nephew Yankelserved as minister of investment until June. He’s made his name in Honduras as president of Marathon, one of the country's biggest football clubs.”

美国财政部称三名男子为在中美洲运营的国际贩毒集团进行非法钱财交易。他们来自洪都拉斯的一个富有且很有影响力的家族。Jaime Rolando Rosenthal是实力雄厚的一家大陆集团的负责人,该集团拥有银行,报纸和其他业务。他的儿子Yani是一名高级政客,他的侄子Yankel在六月份之前一直担任投资部部长。他作为洪都拉斯最大的足球俱乐部马拉松的主席而闻名全国。

A Brazilian court has ruled that president Dilma Rousseff broke the law in her management of last year's budget accounts. The government was accused of borrowing money illegally from state banks to make up for short falls in the federal budget. The oppositions say the court's decision paves the way for an impeachmentprocess against president Rousseff, who was reelected less than a year ago.

巴西法庭裁决,总统罗塞芙(Dilma Rousseff)在去年削减预算的管理中触犯了法律。政府被指控非法从国有银行借贷,以弥补联邦预算缺口。反对派称法院的判决为弹劾罗塞芙总统的进程铺平了道路。不到一年前她刚刚再次当选。

The lawyers for the president of FIFA Sepp Blatter say he has not been notified of any action by the organizations' ethic committee to provisionally suspend him. He is accused of signing a contract unfavorable to football's governing body and making a 2 million dollar payment to president of UEFA Michel Platini.Mr. Blatter denied any wrongdoing. Richard Convoy reports.

国际足联主席布拉特的律师称布拉特没有收到该组织的道德委员下达的暂停职务的通知。他被指控与足球管理机构签订不适宜的合同,并支付200万美元给欧足联主席普拉蒂尼。布拉特先生否认他做了任何错事。Richard Convoy报道。

“The fates of both Sepp Blatter as FIFA president since 1998 and Michel Platini the man who wants to succeed him, now, hang in the balance. FIFA's ethics committee is said to have requested Mr. Blatter be provisionally suspended for 90 days given he is the subject of Swiss criminal inquiry. There are reports that Mr. Platini, who was questioned on the same day as Mr. Blatter would, also be suspended, the decision which will prevent him from standing as a candidate in next February’sFIFA election.”


The international medical charity MSF has reiterated its demand for an independent investigation into the US airstrike on its hospital in Afghanistan despite a personal apology by president Obama. MSF said the bombing in Konduzon Saturday must be investigated by international fact finding commission under the Geneva Conventions. The charity said it could not rely on internal probes by the US, NATO or Afghanistan. Earlier president Obama telephoned the head of MSF to apologize what he described as a mistaken air strike which killed 22 staff and patients.

尽管奥巴马总统做了个人道歉,国际医疗慈善机构无国界医生组织再次表明,要求对美国空袭该组织驻阿富汗医院事件进行独立调查。无国界医生组织说, 周六对昆都士的轰炸必须由国际实况调查委员会依据日内瓦公约进行调查。该慈善机构表示,他们不相信由美国,北约或阿富汗进行的内部调查。早些时候,美国总统奥巴马致电无国界医生组织的负责人道歉,称错误的空袭造成22名工作人员和病人遇难。

The spokesman for the UN secretary general says that rebel forces in Yemen have agreed to stop fighting. Stephane Dujarric said that the Houthi rebels had accepted a UN Security Council resolution aimed at ending the conflict which has devastated Yemen in the past six months.

联合国秘书长发言人说, 也门反对派武装同意停止斗争。Stephane Dujarric称胡塞叛军已经接受了联合国安理会旨在结束也门冲突的决议。过去六个月,这场冲突给也门带来毁灭性的灾害。

Head of Volkswagen in the United States is expected to apologize to congress when he appears on Thursday to answer questions about the scandal concerning rigged engine emissions test. In testimony submitted in advance of his appearance, Michael Horn said he only found out about the cheating software over the past several weeks.


A simple blood test refined by researchers in Scotland and United States could rule out a diagnosis of heart attack from majority of people attending hospital because of chest pains. Dominic Hughes has more.

由苏格兰和美国研究人员改善的简单的血液测试可以排除因为胸痛而到医院就诊的人患有心脏病的可能。Dominic Hughes报道更详细内容。

“Chest pains can be a symptom of heart problems, they can also have other causes. A blood test which detects high levels of the protein troponin can confirm a heart attack is taking place. Now research carried out in Scotland and United States has led to the development of a much more sensitive troponin test that means many more patients could be quickly reassured their chest pain is nothing to worry about.The next step is studying the results of a wider clinical trial that involves 26,000 people.”


Activists from a British feminist group have disrupted the European premiere of the films Sufferagette in London. About a dozen women climbed over railings and lay down on the red carpet shouting slogans and displaying posters condemning domestic violence. Sufferagette described the struggle to win the vote waged by Britishwomen in the first part of the 20th century. Some of the film stars expressed support to the protestors, among them, actress Helena Bonham Carter. “This is actually what the film is promoting. If you have a voice, you know, if you want it happen, you have the courage to lie down as they are doing, instead of laying down what you believe in. This is great.”


And a group of inmates from a New York prison have beaten Harvard University's prestigious debating team, the top ranked clever in the world. The competition took place last month at the eastern New York correctional facility and maximum security prison.

