英语听力精选进阶版 10905(在线收听

The European Union and Turkey have the great measures to stem the flow of migrants and refugees into Europe following a day of negotiations in Brussels. Chris Morris reports from the city. The European Union is offering Turkey a substantial deal, an initial 3 billion Euros in next financial aid to help Turkey cope with hosting more than 2 million Syria refugees. The prospect of more progress its long-stalled negotiations for EU membership and the carry out in less than a year's time, Turkey’s citizens could travel to European country that in the Schengen area without visas. But all of this is conditional on Turkey fulfilling it side of the bargain, stemming the huge flow of migrants from Turkey to the Greek Islands and cracking down on the people smugglers.


Negotiations aimed at reaching a new global deal on climate change have formerly opened in Paris before world leaders address the UN summit on Monday. President Obama has said he is optimistic. But a leaked US document appears to rule out Washington's signing up to any legally binding agreements. The BBC corespondent said the Americans have also provoked anger by insisting that richer nations should no longer accept more responsibility than poorer countries for reducing greenhouse gas missions. Countries such as India strongly object, accusing the Americans of trying to dodge their obligations.


Pope Francis has urged the warring factions in the Central African Republic to put down their weapons and in his words arm themselves with love and mercy. It's his first visit to an active conflict zone. Large crowds line in the road from the airport to welcome him. As our religious affairs corespondent Caroline Wyatt reports. They could hardly believe that he was really here. This was the visit that many said Pope Francis shouldn't make to place where conflict has taken many lives. The warm welcome for the Pope was watched over from skies with UN troops on the ground. Just some of the 12,000 peace keepers here. For people in the Central Africa Republic, the Pope's presence meant much, a sign the outside world was not forgotten them.


Israel has suspended diplomatic contacts with European Union representative involved in peace efforts between Israel and Palestinians. The move came 2 weeks after the EU approved new guidelines for products from Jewish settlements in occupied West Bank. Sebastian Usher reports. Israel has tried to stop the EU approving the new guidelines for several years. Throughout Israeli official said it was the discrimination to single out Israel and Jewish settlement for this treatment. They are especially concerned that the move would encourage a growing movement to boycott Israel on the much wider scale. The EU said this was absolutely not its aim. But when the guidelines were approved earlier this month, it was clear Israel government would take measures to show its anger. Now, Mr. Netanyahu has confirmed that the EU will be frozen out of diplomacy between Israel and Palestinians while its role is reassessed. You are listening to the world news from the BBC.


The news just in: President Obama who's arrived in Paris for the UN climate summit has visited the Bataclan Concert Venue to pay his respects to the 90 people who were killed there by Islamic gunmen more than 2 weeks ago.


The Brazilian state of Pernambco has declared a state of emergency to help speed up the official response to the Zika fever, a mosquito-borne virus from Africa which have been linked to spike in birth defects across the county. The virus causes inflammation in fetal brains and can stop the growth of the baby's head. Authorities say the link between Zika and birth defects hasn't been seen anywhere else in the world. The World Health Organization is due in Brazil this week.


Polls have closed in Burkina Fasco where voters have been choosing their first new President in decades. The election was called following the overthrow of the President Blaise Compaure last year. It was delayed because of a coup attempt.


The Rugby player Jonah Lomu is being remembered at a national memorial service in New Zealand today. The former All Black, widely regarded as one of the best players of all time died earlier this month at the age of 40.


Biologists in Columbia say drought has forced two hippopotamuses into a town in search of food. The animals are decedents of a group imported in the 1980s by the notorious drug baron Pablo Escobar for his private zoo near the town of Puerto Triunfo. Candas Piat reports. For months, the hippos have been seen grazing with cattle in local fields and wandering through the back lanes of Antioquia Fall. Local children have been observe playing dare games with them, but have been warned to steer clear. The team of biologist has started to dart the animals to sedate them, so that they can be moved. But they were forced to wait while specialist darting guns for big game were imported. Over the years, the population of hippos on the ranch has increased to around 30. A number of them have broken out to travel hundreds of kilometers along rivers in search of new territory, Candas Piat reporting. And that's the BBC news.

