英语听力精选进阶版 10938(在线收听

Saudi Arabia has cut diplomatic relations with Iran amid worsening tensions following the execution by Riyadh of a prominent Shia Muslim cleric. The Saudi foreign minister Adel Al-Jubeir accused Iran of supporting terrorism in the region. On Saturday, protestors in Tehran stormed the Saudi embassy, denouncing the execution of Sheikh Nemer Al-Nemer and 46 others. KN of the BBC's Persian Service has this report.


Saudi Arabia announced its decision less than 24 hours after the hardline demonstrators stormed its embassy in Tehran, setting it on fire. There were no diplomats or staff at the embassy at the time of the attack. Now Iranian diplomats have been given 48 hours to leave Saudi Arabia but neither side wants to escalate the tensions beyond their control. The two countries which represent the Sunni and Shia strength of Islam are already locked in proxy wars in Yemen and in Syria. They know they have to pull back from the brink but they also feel they have to look and sound tough.


The British foreign office says it's examining a video released by the IS militant group which appears to show the killing of five men accused of having spied for Britain. In the film, a man with a British accent makes threats to the UK. A young English-speaking boy talks about killing unbelievers.


The governor of the Mexican state of Morelos has taken command of police services in 15 towns following the murder of a newly elected mayor on Saturday. Graco Ramirez said authorities would not be intimidated by organized crime. More from our America's editor Leonardo Russia.


The mayor Gisele Mota was shot dead at her home less than 24 hour after taking office in the town of Temixco. She was one of the many politicians backing the governor's proposals to remove power from local police. Governor Ramirez said her murder was an attempt by criminal gangs to defeat his plan. Morelos, just south of Mexico city, has become one of the country's most violent states in recent years. Rival cartels control drug trafficking and extortion rings in different towns.


Sweden has introduced identity checks in attempts to reduce the number of migrants arriving there via Denmark. Our Europe reporter Gavin Lee has more.More than 160,000 people arrived in the country last year. In November, Sweden joined with Germany and Austria in temporarily introducing random border checks in Europe's passport-free Schengen zone. Today's measures are more comprehensive and apply to all travelers arriving from Denmark by train, bus and boat. Those traveling without papers have been warned they won't be allowed to continue their journey. It's the first time since 1950s that the controls have been introduced and have been carried out in the Danish side of the boarder, costing the Danes an estimated 150 dollars a day. BBC news.

瑞典实施身份检查以减少经由丹麦进入本国的移民量,BBC驻欧洲记者盖文·李报道。去年有超过16万人抵达瑞典,11月,在免护照的申根地区,瑞典和德国及奥地利临时实施了边境随机检查。 新的措施更全面,适用于从丹麦乘坐火车、大巴和船只的所有乘客,那些没有身份证件就旅行的人将被警告无法继续旅行,这是自20世纪50年代以来丹麦首次颁布并实施此类控制措施。BBC新闻。

Fighting is continuing at an Indian air force base near the boarder with Pakistan which was stormed by militants early on Saturday. At least 7 Indian soldiers and 4 

attacker have died so far at the Pathankot base. India's Home Secretary said two gun men were still at large.


There has been an earthquake in northeastern India near the boarders with Myanmar and Bangladesh. Tremors have been felt across the region. Akbar Hossain in the Bangladesh capital Dhaka has more details.


People in Dhaka were woken at 5 am when the powerful earthquake struck. Hundreds of thousands came out of their homes and stayed on the streets fearing an aftershock. The US Geological Service says the magnitude of earthquake was 6.8.The epicenter was around 400 kilometers from Dhaka, in the Indian inner state of Manipur. Tens of millions of people cross the region felt the tremor but there was no immediate report of causalities or damages to property.


Police in the US state of Oregon have accused a group of armed protestors of attempting to spark a national movement to overthrow the local and federal governments. They have urged people to stay away from a wildlife refuge which has been occupied by protesters. The occupation was sparked by the planned jailing of two ranchers convicted of arson on federal land. It's not clear how many people are taking part in the anti-government demonstration.


Police in California say they have arrested an armed robbery suspect with the help of a selfie he took with one of his alleged victims. Officer said 18-year-old Victor Almanza-Martinez is one of three men accused of stealing a car and personal belongings from 4 people last week before driving off. He is said to have exchanged information with one of a group of women and snapped a photo with her.

