向前一步:第208期 让我们开始讨论吧(14)(在线收听

And since the majority of managers are men, we need them to feel comfortable addressing these issues directly with female employees. 由于大多数管理人员都是男性,我们还需要让他们能够自如地跟女性员工直接提出这些问题。

When a woman sits on the side of a room, 当一位女性坐在房间一侧,

a man needs to be able to wave her over to the table and explain why so she will know to sit at the table the next time. 男性领导应该招手示意让她坐到桌前,并解释这样做的原因,从而鼓励她下次一定要往桌前坐。

Ken Chenault, CEO of American Express, is a leader on this front. 美国运通公司的首席执行官肯·陈纳特在这方面就是先行者。

Ken openly acknowledges that in meetings, 陈纳特在会议中曾公开承认,

both men and women are more likely to interrupt a woman and give credit to a man for an idea first proposed by a woman. 男性和女性都很有可能打断一位女性的讲话,也都很有可能把一位女性首先提出的想法归功于一位男性。

When he witnesses either of these behaviors, he stops the meeting to point it out. 当他观察到这些行为时,他会暂停会议并指出问题。

Coming from the top, this really makes employees think twice. 由于高层的这种立场,员工的确能在这方面谨言慎行。

A more junior woman (or man) can also intervene in the situation when a female colleague has been interrupted. 当女同事说话被打断时,职位较低的女员工(或男员工)也能加以干预。

She can gently but firmly tell the group, "Before we move on, I'd like to hear what (senior woman) had to say." 她可以善意但坚定地对大家说:“在我们继续之前,我想听听她(女性高管)对此有什么看法。”

This action not only benefits the senior woman but can raise the stature of the junior woman as well, 这种行为不仅能让高层女性受益,也能提高职位较低的女性员工的声望,

since speaking up for someone else displays both confidence and a communal spirit. 为他人辩护能够展示她的自信、团队精神以及亲和力。

At Facebook, I teach managers to encourage women to talk about their plans to have children and help them continue to reach for opportunities. 在脸谱网,我指导各部门经理鼓励女性谈论自己养育孩子的计划,同时帮助她们把握职场上的机会。

I give men the option of quoting me if the words don't feel right coming out of their mouths. 我告诉男性经理,如果他们觉得不方便可以让我来说。
