美国小学英语教材5:第97课 纪尧姆的长笛(1)(在线收听


Gertrude Crownfield 作者:格特鲁德·克朗菲尔德
In the southeastern part of France, near the Mediterranean Sea, is a region of hills and mountains called Provence. 在法国东南部,靠近地中海的地方,有一个山区叫普罗旺斯。
Here in the village of Maussane lived a little shepherd boy, Guillaume. 在摩珊的村子里住着一个小牧童,叫纪尧姆。
He was very, very shy, but in his heart was a great longing to play the flute as his grandfather had played it at the Christmas celebrations in the little village. 他非常非常害羞,但在他的内心深处,有一种强烈的渴望,想要吹笛子,就像他的祖父在那个小村庄里的圣诞庆典上吹的那样。
Very mellow was the flute of old Guillaume. 老纪尧姆的笛子很圆润。
With it, for many years, he had led the procession of the Adoration of the Shepherds, playing, as none but he could play, the music of the noels. 多年来,他一直带着这把琴,在牧童们的敬慕行列中领跑,演奏着只有他才能演奏的诺尔斯的音乐。
But the flute of old Guillaume had long been silent, for old Guillaume was no longer living in this world, and Francois, another shepherd, played at the Feast of Noel. 但是,老纪尧姆的笛声早已沉寂,因为老纪尧姆已不在人世,弗朗索瓦斯,另一个牧羊人,在诺埃尔的宴会上演奏。
Yet still the people of Maussane, and even Francois himself, would say regretfully at every Christmas-tide, 然而,摩珊镇的人们,甚至弗朗索瓦斯本人,每逢圣诞节的涨潮,都会遗憾地说,
"Ah, if we could but hear once more the flute of old Guillaume!" “啊,但愿我们能再一次听到老纪尧姆的笛声!"