《摩登家庭》第1季第24集 第2期:专业歌手(在线收听

 Oh, so delicious. Yes. 好吃  来

Hey, you're okay with me not going with you today, right? 今天不和你去没关系吧
I have been hired to sing at a wedding this weekend. 有人请我周末去婚礼献唱
I was plucked from obscurity 我在一次精彩的卡拉OK
after a particularly stirring karaoke performance. 演出后被别人选中了
So I guess you could say I'm a professional singer now. 所以说呢  我也算是专业歌手了
Well, they're paying you in flowers, so- 他们是以花代钱付给你的  所以呢
Well, I would've blown the money on flowers anyway. 反正就算他们给钱  我也会拿去买花的
They're saving me a step. 他们倒是省了我的麻烦
Plus all the great divas are rewarded in flowers. 再说所有的歌后都有人献花
They're also given paychecks. 然后还有支票
And I'm really bad at small talk, so- 我不大擅长闲聊  所以呢
I get it. It's not a problem. 我懂了  没什么问题
Are you sure? 'Cause you've been quiet all morning. 是吗  我看你一早上没说话
It's because I'm resting my instrument. 因为我得酝酿一下我的嗓子
Okay. 好吧
I feel tension. 我看他是压力巨大
Kobe! Kobe, over here! 科比  科比  这边
Kobe! Kobe! Over here! 科比  科比  这边
What can I do for you? 需要帮忙吗
Do you like being a basketball player? 你喜欢当篮球运动员吗
Serious? 不是吧你
I choked. I didn't think you'd look up here at me. 我紧张了  我没想到你会往这边看
Little preparation next time. 那下次准备下