《摩登家庭》第1季第24集 第4期:白驹过隙(在线收听

 What is the big deal about this one picture? 不就照张相嘛  有什么大不了的

Honey, you know what, 亲爱的  我跟你说
I don't expect you to understand, but- 我不指望你能理解  但是
All right, when you're a mom, 这样  等你以后当妈了 
everything goes by so quickly. 会感到时光如白驹过隙
In a minute, Luke's gonna be shaving, 要不了多久  卢克就开始刮胡子了
and Alex is gonna be off at college, and you're gonna be- 艾丽克斯去上大学  你呢
you'll be doing something great. 你会做一些了不起的事情
I just wanna freeze this moment as it is right now. 我就是想时间定格在这一刻
- You know? - I do. -能理解吧  -能
I know I don't show it, 我知道我平时松松垮垮
but this family's still the most important thing- 但是这个家庭对我来说很重
Screw it. 管它呢
I'm gonna fix the bastard. 我亲自来修
I mean, seriously, how hard can it be? 我倒要看看有多难
If your father can do it, I can do it. Right? 你老爸能行  那我也能行  对吧
All right. 好吧
I just need to... 我只需要
lift- 抬起来-
Oh, now I see it. 现在我看见了