《摩登家庭》第1季第24集 第7期:现场娱乐(在线收听

 Thank God for caller I.D. 多亏了来电显示

So you don't have to talk to your wife. 于是你不想接你老婆电话就可以挂掉
Oh, we're gonna talk, mister. 看我回来收拾你
We're gonna talk and talk. 我会慢慢慢慢说死你
Dad, Mom saw you on TV. You're dead. 老爸  妈妈在电视上看到你了  你死定了
Here's the thing. The kiss cam is only supposed to be... 是这样的  接吻镜头应该只针对
for the enjoyment of the people at the game. 现场观众娱乐一下的
They never show that on TV. 电视上根本不该播
What people do in the privacy of their own sports arena... 人们在自己的比赛场上做什么
should be their own business. 是他们的自由
So in '66, I worked in my grandfather's office supply business- 66年的时候我在我爷爷的办公品公司打工
you know, your ink, your staples, your legal pads. 就是墨水啊  订书钉啊  纸张之类的 
Am I going too fast for you? 我说得太快了吗
I fell asleep for a second. 我听得都睡着了
Did you do anything interesting in the '60s? 你在60年代就没做过有意思的事吗
Well, one summer, 有一个夏天
I swept up hair at my other grandfather's barbershop. 我在姥爷的理发店里帮忙扫头发
- You're killing me. - What do you want? -别折磨我了  -你想要什么样的故事
I don't know. 我也不确定
Brian Beckwith's grandfather marched on Washington. 布莱恩·贝壳维斯的爷爷当年在华盛顿游行过呢
Artie Beckwith? 阿蒂·贝壳维斯吗
He couldn't walk two feet without complaining. 那个整天啰里吧嗦  怨天尤人的怂货
He marched on Washington? 他去华盛顿游行过
He told Brian he did. 他是这样告诉布莱恩的
With Martin Luther King Jr. 跟马丁·路德·金一起