
 I want to step back, and I want to bring up the concept of negative emissions again. 我想退一步,再次提出负排放的概念。

Negative emissions require that the CO2 separated be permanently removed from the atmosphere forever, 负排放,需要被分离的二氧化碳永久性地从大气层中去除,
which means putting it back underground, where it came from in the first place. 这意味着把它送回地下,也就是它最初所在的地方。
But let's face it, nobody gets paid to do that today -- at least not enough. 但请让我们面对现实吧,至今都没有人以此为生--至少相关从业者数量还远远不够。
So the companies that are developing these technologies are actually interested in taking the CO2 所以开发这些技术的公司其实是对获取二氧化碳感兴趣,
and making something useful out of it, a marketable product. 为了从中造出有价值的东西,一个可销售的产品。
It could be liquid fuels, plastics or even synthetic gravel. 它可以是液体燃料,塑料,甚至是合成的砾石。
And don't get me wrong -- these carbon markets are great. 别误会我的意思--这些碳源的市场非常好。
But I also don't want you to be disillusioned. 但是我也不想让你们产生错误的幻想。
These are not large enough to solve our climate crisis, 这些市场还不够大,不足以解决气候危机,
and so what we need to do is we need to actually think about what it could take. 所以我们需要认真思考一下还能做些什么来解决危机。
One thing I'll absolutely say is positive about the carbon markets is that they allow for new capture plants to be built, 关于碳市场的一个绝佳的事实就是,它至少支撑了建造新的捕获工厂,
and with every capture plant built, we learn more. 每建造一个捕获工厂,我们都会学到更多;
And when we learn more, we have an opportunity to bring costs down. 当我们学到更多,我们就能不断地降低成本。
But we also need to be willing to invest as a global society. 但作为一个国际社会,我们还需要愿意去投资。
We could have all of the clever thinking and technology in the world, 我们有世界上所有的奇妙思想和科技,
but it's not going to be enough in order for this technology to have a significant impact on climate. 但是这还远无法让这项技术对气候带来显著的改善。
We really need regulation, we need subsidies, taxes on carbon. 我们还切实地需要法规扶持,我们需要补贴,碳税。
There are a few of us that would absolutely be willing to pay more, 我们当中有一部分人绝对愿意为此花更多的钱,
but what will be required is for carbon-neutral, carbon-negative paths to be affordable for the majority of society in order to impact climate. 但为了走向零碳排放,甚至是碳负排放的道路,我们需要让社会中的大多数人都能够承担得起这部分费用,才能真正影响气候。