摩登家庭第五季 第15期:开学前的准备(在线收听

 Traditional "First day of school" Pancakes. Whipped-cream smile? 传统的"开学日"薄烤饼。画个奶油笑脸不?

Dad, I'm in high school now. Just put it in my mouth. 老爸,我都上高中了。直接挤进我嘴里就行。
Okay, that's disgusting. Stop it. 好了,太恶心了。快住手。
Hey, save some of that bossing people around for the office, lady. 快省省这发号施令的架势留着去办公室使,女士。
After a 20-year vacation, Claire is rejoining the work force. 休假20年后,克莱尔终于要重回职场了。
Not a vacation. But I am starting a job at my dad's closet company. 那可不是休假。但我要去我爸的橱柜公司开始新工作了。
He's kind of grooming me to take over.  他打算栽培我日后接手公司。
I have a background in marketing. 我有市场营销方面的专业背景。
I'm so proud of her.  我非常为她骄傲。
Oh, uh, speaking of marketing - we're out of milk. 说到市场,我们家的牛奶喝完了。
I'm actually kind of nervous. 我其实挺紧张的。
You're gonna be great.  你一定会表现得很好的。
And remember, if you get into a jam, just do the impression I taught you. 记住,一旦碰到麻烦就来一段我教你的模仿秀。
Hey. You can hang your clothes in me.  嘿。你可以把你的衣服挂在我身体里。
Christopher walk-in closet. I'm not doing that. 克里斯托弗-步入式衣柜。我死也不会那么做。
Okay, relax, mom. You're working for grandpa.  放松点,老妈。你是给外公干活。
It's not even a real job. It's like that summer when I worked for dad. 都算不上真正意义上的工作。就跟夏天时,我给老爸打工一样。
He was just trying to make me feel good about myself.  他只是试图在帮我树立信心。
He didn't really need my help. 不是真的需要我帮忙。
That's not true. I needed your help distributing all those fliers.  不是这样的。我确实需要你帮我分发宣传单。
And I did. Wink, wink. 我确实也分了。看我眼色。
How are you already doing homework? 你怎么现在就在做作业了?
It's junior year. I have to get good grades.  我都高三了。得考好点才行。
Don't you know how competitive it is out there? Stop pressuring me! 你不知道现在外面竞争多激烈吗?别再给我施加压力了!
You know, this is what happens to kids when they're not sexually active. 好端端的小孩变成这副鬼样子完全是因为缺乏性活动。
Don't you have some studying to do? 你不用去学习吗?
Please, it's community college. They tell you to bring a glue stick. 拜托,我上的是社区大学。他们只会让你带根固体胶去上学。
Hello. Yes, this is he - him - me. Right the first time. 你好。没错,就是他......那位......我。第一次就说对了。
I'll be right there. Mitchell, that was it. That was the call. I'm going in. 我马上过去。米奇尔,就是这个。等的就是这电话。我要过去了。
Due to budget cuts, my position as middle-school music teacher has been eliminated,  由于预算削减,我的初中音乐教师岗位被撤销了,
So I've been working as a high-school sub. 所以我一直在当高中替补教师。
Ka-ching! I never know when I'll be summoned to swoop into action.  好耶!我从没想到还会收到"使命召唤"呢。
I'm kind of like batman. 我有点像蝙蝠侠。
But except for a bat-signal, I get a phone call. 但我接到的不是蝙蝠求救图案,而是一通电话。
Yeah, you found the one difference. 是啊,你还是发现了点差异。