摩登家庭第六季 第21期:最棒的邻居(在线收听

This place is a great idea, Gloria. Did I ever tell you this is where I first tried pretzel bread? 我特别喜欢这里,Gloria。我告诉过你我第一次吃酥皮面包就是在这里吗?

Hello, Jay. 你好,Jay。

Hello, Earl. 你好,Earl。

I invited him so that you two finally can bury the machete. 我请他来让你们冰释前嫌。

Well, this scumbag already buried it in my back. 他直接拿冰锥子戳我脊梁了。

You son of a bitch! 你个混蛋!

No! No! No! No! Stop it! Sit down! This is crazy. You two need to be friends. 不!不!不!不!别闹!坐下!不要发神经。你们要和谐。

You're the only two people in the world that care so much about closets. This is silly! 全世界也只有你们俩对柜子如此真爱。这是犯傻!

I guess those angled shelves that display all your precious shoes are silly. 你展示美鞋的斜角鞋柜也是病吗。

Or the rotating tie rack that helps a brain surgeon save valuable seconds, and, just maybe, a life. 还有旋转领带架帮脑科医生节约宝贵时间,救死扶伤啊。

You fought me every step of the way on that. 你可是一直不喜欢那个。

Because the technology wasn't there yet. People were gonna get hurt!  因为当时技术还不到位。会伤到用户!-

If you would open your ears...- Enough! You two are acting like two little boys. 如果你肯听我的...- 够了你们简直像两个小孩纸。

So I'm gonna have to handle this how my mother handled my two brothers. 让我来搞定你俩,就像我妈搞定我两个弟弟。

It's either you two work this out...or you kill each other. 你们要么解决矛盾...要么同归于尽。

When Reefer Madness raised his offer, we invited the Thompsons over to try to convince them to raise theirs. 恐怖分子一家要加价,所以我们请来Thompson两口子劝他们加更多。

We wanted to show them that the best thing about that house is its location. It's Dunphy-adjacent. 要让他们知道这房最大的卖点就是地址。跟咱Dunphy家连着。

That was so much fun. 好开心哟。

We'll hear from you soon, huh? 咱会再联络吧?

You sure will. 必须的。

Sooner than you think. 分分钟就联络。

All right. - Okay, bye. - Drive safe. - See ya. 好的呀。- 拜拜。- 开车小心。- 回见。

Nailed it. 搞定。

Are they gone? 他们走了吗?

They are, but don't you worry. We are gonna see a lot more of those two soon. 是的,但别担心。以后可就常见啦。

Oh, and hearing from them even sooner. It looks like someone didn't get their "Phil" of Dunphy. 联络的话,就更是分分钟了。看来他们想要更多Phil Dunphy体验。

No. 不要啊。

What? 怎么了?

They pulled their offer. 他们撤回了出价。

Why? What happened? 为什么?发生了什么?

You pervs probably freaked 'em out. 可能被咱一家变态吓跑了。

What do you mean, "pervs"? 变态是什么意思?

It's short for perverts. You guys were throwing yourselves at them all night long. 就是不正常,神经病。你俩一晚上恨不得吃了他们。

What can I say? That's shoe business. 没办法,这可是鞋子生意啊。

Whoa, no guns allowed in this house. 嘿,在咱家得温柔点儿。

Let's off that top, Lisa. Let's let's top that off. 敞开胸怀吧,Lisa。我的意思是再喝点儿。

Phil. Phil。

So, this has been fun. 今晚真欢乐啊。

It'll be even more fun when you guys move in. 你们要是搬来了乐子就更多。

Well, even if we raise our offer, who knows if we'll get the house? 就算我们提高出价,也难保我们真能竞价成功啊。

Fortunately, you are getting into bed with the right people. 幸运之处就在于你们跟行家混在一窝呢。

Nothing inappropriate, of course. 纯生意哦。

Wink, wink. 你懂得。

But just so there's no misunderstanding, we want you. 就直说了吧,我们想要你们。

Why didn't you stop us? 你怎么不阻止我们呢?

Hey, I don't know what you guys are into. 我又不知道你们到底想干嘛。

Oh, my God. What are we gonna do? 这下完了,怎么办呢?

Oh, relax. 别紧张。

I'm sure you guys will find a couple that wants to get with you. 你俩肯定找得到愿意跟你们4P的夫妇。

I'm here because she says you want to apologize. 我来是因为她说你要道歉。

You're the one that owes the apology to me. 该道歉的是你。

Oh, yeah? Closetcon, 1998. You sabotaged my booth. 是吗?98年的衣橱博览会上。你搞坏了我的展品。

That thing collapsed because it was cheap and bought in the orient...like your wife. 那东西价廉质劣,还是中国产的,跟你老婆一样。
