摩登家庭第六季 第68期:有人还是单身呢!(在线收听

 Watching that. 我正看着呢。

But now that I got you here, what do you think? 既然你在这里,你觉得怎么样?
That you wore cargo shorts to my middle-school graduation, but you're putting on a bow tie for some dog's birthday party. 之前你穿着大口袋短裤参加我初中毕业仪式,去参加狗狗的生日派对反而戴领结了。
It's all good fun. The Birnbaums can't have kids. They like to do it up big for Buster. 这是为了好玩啊。比恩鲍姆夫妇没法生孩子。他们想为伯斯特举办一场盛大派对。
I had my fifth birthday in a break room of a Der Wienerschnitzel, but good for buster. 我的五岁生日是在一家炸小牛排店的休息室里度过的,但是伯斯特真幸运。
Why are you so cranky? 你怎么这么暴躁?
This kid at school ripped me off for 40 bucks in a pyramid scheme. 学校里有个孩子搞金字塔骗局骗了我40块。
Did this have something to do with that broken plastic pyramid on your dresser? 那跟你梳妆台上的破碎的塑料金字塔有关系吗?
It looked like marble in the picture. 照片里看起来像是大理石的。
Oh, man. Where were you when I was growing up? 天啊。我长大时你在哪里啊?
I'd have had your dice and cigarettes before you got to homeroom. 你到年级教室之前我就能骗到你的骰子和香烟。
Where'd you go to school - "Guys and Dolls"? 你去哪里上学的—— 《红男绿女》吗?
Bright as you are, you got to smarten up. 虽然你很聪明,但你得更机灵点。
You got to be more suspicious of people. Stop being such a patsy. 你应该更加怀疑别人。不要这么容易受骗了。
How is this for the party? 我这身打扮参加派对怎么样?
It's my first time meeting your dog-park friends. 这是我第一次跟你公园遛狗的朋友们见面。
Fantastic, but be careful -- Some of these guys are single in the group. 很棒,但是小心点...这圈子里有人还是单身呢。
What a surprise. 毫不意外。
Manny, we won't be late. 曼尼,我们不能迟到。
I left dinner for you and Joe, but don't eat the deviled eggs that are in the refrigerator because they're for tomorrow's picnic. 我给你和乔准备了晚餐,但是不要吃冰箱里的魔鬼蛋,因为那是明天野餐吃的。
What picnic -somebody's cat going to college? 什么野餐... 庆祝某人的猫上大学了吗?
No, some of Gloria's friends are getting their green cards. It's actually a nice group. 不是,歌洛莉亚的一些朋友拿到了绿卡。他们其实人很好。
Yes, they're very decent, hardworking people. 是啊,他们是认真工作的正派人。
Jay met them at Mirabelle's fake wedding. 杰在米拉贝拉的假婚礼上遇见了他们。
Zooboo! 《祖宝》!
No, you've already watched "Zooboo" six times today. 不,今天你已经看了六次《祖宝》。
We're gonna watch a classic movie right here on the big screen. 我们要在大屏幕上看一部经典电影。
You better let him watch his show. If not, he's gonna freak out. 你最好让他看他的节目。不然他会炸毛的。
Yesterday I turned it off, and he bit through one of the pool balls. 昨天我关了电视,他咬穿了一颗台球。