美国小学英语教材5:第103课 纪尧姆的长笛(7)(在线收听

 Several times he took out the flute cautiously, set it to his mouth, and almost breathed into it, but each time timidity seized him, and he slipped it back into his breast. 有几次,他小心翼翼地把笛子拿出来,放到嘴边,几乎要把气吸进去,但每一次他都被胆怯攫住了,他又把它塞回胸膛。

While he hesitated thus, and Francois tarried, night fell. 他这样犹豫着,弗朗索瓦斯等着,夜幕降临了。
Guillaume knew that he must go home, for his mother would become anxious. 纪尧姆知道他必须回家,因为他母亲会着急的。
A single step he took in that direction, 他朝那个方向迈出了一步,
and then, driven by a feeling which he had no power to resist, he turned back quickly, snatched out the flute, and brought from it a deep full note. 然后,在一种他无力抗拒的感情的驱使下,他迅速地转过身去,抓起那支笛子,吹出了一个饱满而深沉的音符。
This much done, little Guillaume immediately forgot everything but his music. 做了这么多,小纪尧姆立刻忘记了一切,除了音乐。
Now, borne upon the evening air to the startled ears of the priest and Francois, came the strains to which the shepherds of Maussane had always marched at the Feast of Noel, played as none but old Guillaume had ever played them. 这时,黄昏的空气中传来了牧羊人在诺埃尔宴会上经常吹奏的曲子,传到了牧师和弗朗索瓦斯耳朵里,令他们大吃一惊。