摩登家庭第六季 第134期:穿上燕尾服去劳斯莱斯试驾(在线收听

 Good. Is this finally done? 太好了。终于完了?

Cause, dad, I was thinking maybe you and I could put on tuxedos and test-drive Rolls-Royces. 爸爸,我想你和我是不是该穿上燕尾服去劳斯莱斯试驾。
Aw, Luke, I'm sorry. I wish I could, but I already promised Andy I'd teach him how to tie a tie. 卢克,对不起,真希望我能去,不过我已经答应安迪教他怎么系领带了。
Come on, buddy. I got a song and everything. 来吧伙计,我有首系领带的小曲子教给你。
I have to let you know, my neck is extraordinarily ticklish. 我必须要告诉你我的脖子特别怕痒。
You don't say. 是真的吗。
Don't you dare. Don't. Don't! - Get over here! - No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no! 你敢。不要,不要!-快过来!-不,不要!
It was so nice to meet you, Gita. 很高兴见到你,吉塔。
I'll be sure to send you that recording of my bassoon solo. 我会发给你我的大管独奏录音的。
You'd better! 最好是!
Could you kill me over the phone? Oh, my God. These kids are all the same. 你能隔着电话杀了我吗?天呐。这些孩子全都一样。
Please tell me we weren't this aggressively boring when we applied. It's all debate team, orchestra, A.P. , GPA. 请告诉我我们申请的时候没有这么无聊到爆。都是辩论队,管弦乐队,预科,高绩点。
I wanted to smack one of them in her smug little face, but I'm pretty sure she was a robot. I can't believe I'm missing spinning for this. 我真想一巴掌糊上她洋洋自得的脸,不过我觉得她就是个机器人。我真想见几个不这么无聊的人。
Hi. I'm Alex Dunphy. 你好,我是艾丽克斯·邓菲。
I got to go. 我得挂了。
Oh, great. Have a seat. I'm Vanessa. Would you like some coffee? 太好了,请坐,我是瓦内萨。想来点咖啡吗?
No, thanks, but I actually have a crazy fact about coffee -- bees love caffeine because it's found in nectar, but I don't know that much about B's, as you can see from my transcript. 不,谢谢,但关于咖啡有这么个故事...蜜蜂喜欢咖啡因,因为花蜜里也有,不过我对B的了解没那么多,我的成绩单上大多是A。
So, I see here that you're on the debate team and you play the cello. 你资料上说你是辩论队的,你还拉大提琴。
Yes, but I am so much more than that. I'm also a part of the French club. 是的,不过我的生活远不止这些。我还是法语俱乐部的。
Tell me more. 跟我说说。