向前一步:第214期 让我们开始讨论吧(20)(在线收听

 Innovisor, a consulting firm, conducted research in twenty-nine countries and found that when men and women select a colleague to collaborate with, 创新者咨询公司对29个国家的工作现状做了一项调查,发现当选择工作伙伴时,

both were significantly more likely to choose someone of the same gender. 男性和女性都明显更倾向于选择和自己性别相同的人。
Yet diverse groups often perform better. 然而,事实证明,一个成员多样化的团队往往能创造出更好的业绩。
Armed with this information, managers should take a more active role in mixing and matching when assigning teams. 以此为据,管理者应该在规划团队时主动地对其成员加以交叉混合,
Or, at the very least, managers should point out this tendency to give employees the motivation to shake things up. 至少也要表明这种意图,让员工有动力做出改变。
My own attempts to point out gender bias have generated more than my fair share of eye rolling from others. 我自己也曾尝试指出性别偏见,结果招来他人更多的白眼。
At best, people are open to scrutinizing themselves and considering their blind spots; at worst, they become defensive and angry. 最好的结果就是,人们认真审视自己,思考自己的盲点;最坏的情况则是,他们开始为自己分辩,并感到愤怒。
One common instance of bias crops up during job performance evaluations. 最常出现性别偏见的情形是在评估工作业绩的时候。
When reviewing a woman, the reviewer will often voice the concern, 当考察一个女员工时,考察者常常会表现出这样的担心:
"While she's really good at her job, she's just not as well liked by her peers." “尽管她的工作表现真的很不错,但其他人好像不太喜欢她。”
When I hear language like that, I bring up the Heidi/Howard study and how success and likeability are negatively correlated for women. 当我听到这类话时,就会引用海蒂/霍华德案例研究告诉他们,对女性来说,成功和受欢迎程度是成反比的。
I ask the evaluator to consider the possibility that this successful female may be paying a gender-based penalty. 我请考察者思考一下,一个成功的女性是否有可能由于性别问题在薪酬方面吃了亏。
Usually people find the study credible, nodding their heads in agreement, 通常人们都会觉得这项研究很有说服力,也表示同意,
but then bristle at the suggestion that this might be influencing the reaction of their management team. 但随后又反驳说这可能会影响到他们管理团队。