摩登家庭第六季 第179期:我想我的闺女(在线收听

 I miss my little girl! 我想我的闺女!

Claire, don't do that. 克莱尔,别那么做。
Yes, Claire, don't do that! 对,克莱尔别那么做!
Look...You're not gonna find her at the bottom of that tin. 听着你闺女不在罐子底。
You're not near the bottom of that tin, are you? 你还没吃到罐子底,对吧?
I'm gonna be a grandmother! 我要当外婆了!
Aww, there, there, dear. 没事的,宝贝。
Okay, Claire...We don't know anything for sure yet. 好了,克莱尔现在什么都还不确定。
So take a deep breath put the popcorn down...And just get your...Not cool, grandma! 深呼吸,放下爆米花,然后振...太不地道了... 外婆!
Okay, Claire, listen, listen. 好了,克莱尔,听我说。
Sometimes life hands you things that you don't want and -- and they turn out to be exactly what you need. 有时候生活给你你不想要的东西,但最后你却发现那正是你需要的。
And, oh, my god, I think I just talked myself into liking this hat because I keep seeing myself in it, and I'm like, "Who is that handsome Yentl man? 天呐,我刚刚说服自己喜欢上这顶帽子了,因为在屏幕上看到自己我心里的潜台词是"这帅小伙是谁啊"?
Are you serious right now? 你没开玩笑吧?
Oh, god, I got to go. 天呐,我得挂了。
I'm sorry. I wasn't that helpful. Are you okay? 对不起,我没帮上忙,你还好吗?
Our little baby got married without us. 我们的女儿居然背着我们结婚了。
I was supposed to give her away. 我本应该送她出嫁的。
I was supposed to walk her down the aisle and give her husband-to-be one of these. 我本应该牵着她的手,走过红毯,然后对她的未来丈夫这样说。
That's my baby girl. 她是我的宝贝女儿。
You take care of her. 你一定要照顾好她。
Yeah. - 'Cause that's what dads do. 没错。-那就是老爸该做的事。
I got to call my dad. 我要给我爸打电话。
Please don't tell him I was in charge when she left. 拜托别告诉他,她是在我的看管下离开的。
Hello. Can you see me? 喂,看得到我吗?
Thumb, dad. 手指头,爸。
The minute they got rid of rotary phones, everything went to hell. 他们淘汰老式旋转电话的那一刻一切都完蛋了。
Dad, I'm really sorry that I eloped. 爸,真抱歉我以前私奔了。
You were a great dad, and you should've been there to walk me down the aisle, and -- and I've never apologized for taking that away from you. 你是个非常优秀的老爸,你本该牵着我的手走过红毯,然后...我剥夺了你的这项权利,却从未道歉。
Well, we got to do that thing in Hawaii, and that was nice. 我们后来在夏威夷做过了,那也很好啊。
Yeah. Guess what goes around comes around, huh? 是,真是一报还一报啊,是啊?