摩登家庭第六季 第206期:在8岁小孩面前丢脸(在线收听

 Bravo, Cameron. 太棒了,卡梅隆。

Can't talk! I'll be in my stall! 不说了,我回我的单间去了
So, now everybody hates Cameron. 现在大家都会讨厌卡梅隆了。
Okay, look, I can't sing "Memory." 好吧,我唱不了《回忆》。
It's too much song for me. 对我来说太难了。
So when I found out that coach Tucker wanted to sing it, as well, I had my out -- until he nobly stepped aside. 所以当我发现塔克教练想唱那首歌,我找到了借口...谁知他很高尚地让给我。
Luckily, the sandbag fell, everyone blamed him, and I just saw my opening. 幸运的是,沙袋掉了,大家都怪他,我知道机会来了。
I put the paint cans on the floor and pretended that the tea scalded me. 是我把喷漆罐放在地上,又假装被那杯茶烫到。
But to see him crash and burn on stage, that...It doesn't get better than that. 但看到他在台上玉石俱焚的样子...真是没什么比这更精彩了。
Oh, it's about to, because I turned your microphone on, and everybody there is listening to everything that you just said! 很快就有了因为我把你的麦克打开了,外面所有人都听见了你刚刚说的每句话!
No. No! No, no, no, no, no, no. 不是吧,不不不不。
You monster! 你这个禽兽!
Amazing! And with no commercials! 太精彩了,还没有广告
The worst thing about the woods is you never know what you're gonna run into -- 身处森林最坏的事就是你永远不知道会遇到什么...
a bear, a hunter who doesn't take kindly to city folk, or worse...I can't wait. I love S'mores. 一只熊,一个不喜欢城里人的猎人,更糟的是...我等不及了,我超爱吃烤棉花糖。
your daughter, as happy as you've ever seen her. 看到你的女儿比任何时候都开心。
The only thing to do was to sneak back to the car and think of a lie to tell my dad along the way. 唯一能做的事就是偷偷溜回车里,想想该编什么谎话骗我爸。
What was that? 那是什么?
I don't know, but let's hit it with a shovel. 我也不知道,我们赶快用铲子拍死它。
And stab it with our marshmallow sticks! 再用棉花糖棒捅死它!
No! No, no, no, no! I-I'm Lily's dad. 别别别,我是莉莉的爸爸。
I'm Lily-- hi. She's mine. 我是莉莉的...她是我女儿。
what are you doing here? 你到这儿来干什么?
Okay, I-I thought you gave me the signal. 我以为你给我发了求救信号。
No! Go away. 没有,走开啦。
You're embarrassing me in front of 8-year-olds. 你让我在一群8岁小孩面前丢脸了。
Sorry. 抱歉。
I just finished telling the girls a ghost story. 我刚给这些孩子们讲了个鬼故事。
It was so scary. 吓死人了。
Do you know any? 你知道什么鬼故事吗?