摩登家庭第六季 第221期:他偷走我继承的遗产(在线收听

 My tears have barely dried, he stole my inheritance, and I'm left holding the bag for two fur coats. 我眼里还含着泪呢,他就偷走了我继承的遗产,而我却成买了两件毛皮大衣的罪人。

T-two? ! 两件?!
I can get three seasons of use out of it. 那件大衣我可以穿三季。
Hey, this might give you a chuckle. That money you all paid me back -- It's gonna cover the cost of that t-bird. Isn't that funny how stuff works out? 这可能会把你们逗笑。你们还给我的那些钱刚好够我买下那辆雷鸟。事情的发展是不是很好笑?
It sure is funny. - That's hilarious. 的确好笑。-超好笑的。
I can't. It's too cold. 我做不到,太冷了。
It's either cold for 5 minutes or cold forever. Come on. 要么现在冷五分钟要么就变冰冷的尸体。快点。
Funny -- I always thought I'd be found dead in a bird suit at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. 说来好笑,我一直以为我会穿着鸟服摔死在大峡谷谷底。
You still will, buddy. You still will. 你还是会的,兄弟。你还是会的。
If I ever catch you drinking again, your whole school is going to see this picture. 要是再被我抓到你们喝酒,你们全校的同学都会看到这张照片。
Sh-sh-she tricked us. 她骗了我们。
I know. 是啊。
As soon as we kill this worm, we're gonna get her back. 等我们冻死这只虫子就去找她算账。
There's...no...worm! 根本 ...没有... 虫子!
Not gonna help, kid. 没用的,孩子。
You're right. I can't drown my problems in alcohol. 你说得对。我不能用酒精麻醉自己的问题。
Well, you can, but that's water. You're not really gonna turn down Caltech? 你可以,但那里面是水。你真的打算放弃加州理工吗?
Oh, please don't tell me what a great school it is, how I'm gonna graduate in two years, and they're gonna name a country after me. 拜托不要跟我说那所大学有多好,我会在两年内毕业,人们会以我的名字命名一个国家什么的。
You're feeling some pressure. 你有压力。
What if I'm the dumbest one there? Someone has to be. 万一我是那里最蠢的学生怎么办?总得有人是最蠢的。
I could get there, be dumb, have a nervous breakdown -- 我可以去那里,做个蠢学生精神崩溃...
You're going. I know you. 你会去的,我了解你。
You've never backed down from a challenge your whole life. 你长这么大从没有在挑战面前退缩过。
Now, I could lie to you and tell you it's gonna be easy. 现在我可以骗你,告诉你一切会很轻松。
Well, do that. I'm vulnerable. I'll believe you. 那样好啊,我现在很脆弱。我会相信你。
It's not. It's gonna be hard. But you and I both know this is something you have to do. 不会的,会很艰难。但你我都知道,这是你必须要做的事。