夏说英语新闻晨读 第560期:毋需老方子预防心脏病啦(在线收听

 If you're a healthy older adult looking for ways to reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke, don't turn to that age-old standby: daily low-dose aspirin. It's no longer recommended as a preventative for older adults who don't have a high risk or existing heart disease, according to guidelines announced Sunday by the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association. However, for anyone who has had a stroke, heart attack, open-heart surgery or stents inserted to open clogged arteries, aspirin can be life-saving.

heart attack: n.心脏病
stroke: n. 中风
age-old: adj. 古老的;由来已久的
standby: n. 备份;备用药品
low-dose: adj. 低剂量的
high-dose: adj. 高剂量的
aspirin: n. 阿司匹林
recommended: adj. 被推荐的;被推崇的
preventative: n. 预防药品;预防法;预防物
prevent: vt. 防止;防御
cardiology: n. 心脏病学
cardinal: n. 红衣主教 adj. 重要的
stent: n. 心脏支架
artery: n. 动脉
vein: n. 静脉
