夏说英语新闻晨读 第564期:意大利加入中国一带一路倡议(在线收听

 Italy has become the first developed economy to sign up to China's global investment programme which has raised concerns among Italy's Western allies. A total of 29 deals amounting to 2.5bn euros were signed during Chinese President XJP's visit to Rome. The project is seen as a new Silk Road which, just like the ancient trade route, aims to link China to Europe.

Italy n. 意大利(Italian)
developed countries 发达国家
economy: n. 经济体
sign up: 参加;报名参加课程
sign up for the ten-week course 报名一个为期10周的课程
participate in参加
programme n. 项目;计划
raise concerns 引起关注/担心
ally: n. 盟友
amount to 总计;相当于
euro: n. 欧元
silk road: 丝绸之路
Belt and Road Initiative "一带一路”倡议
route: n. 路线
