摩登家庭第六季 第280期:人喜欢幻想不同的人生(在线收听

 So, what's the hold-up? 那你还犹豫什么呢?

Well...there's this other girl, and I feel like I have a serious connection with her, but...I just don't know how she feels. 其实,还有另外一个女孩我感觉自己被她深深地吸引,可我不知道她是怎么想的。
Andy, back when I was dating Claire, I used to think, "What if I'm in the laundromat one day, and Robin Givens walks in?" 安迪,我当年跟克莱尔约会的时候,我还想过假如哪天在自助洗衣店里罗宾·吉文斯走进来。
She asks me for a quarter. I hand her one. Our fingers linger. 她问我要一个二十五美分。我给了她一个。我们手指相触。
She wonders if maybe after "Iron Mike", what she's really yearning for is the touch of a gentler man. 她会想在拳王泰森之后,她最渴望的其实是一位更温柔的绅士的触碰。
I'm not following. 我没听明白。
It's natural to wonder about a different path, but if you truly love Beth, you should propose. 人天性就喜欢幻想不同的人生,可如果你真的爱贝丝那就应该求婚。
You're right. I'll do it. There's this place she loves by the ocean. I'll take her there and propose at sunset. 你说的没错,我会的。海边有个她很喜欢的地方。我要带她去那里,在夕阳中求婚。
Great! 真棒!
Thank you so much. 非常感谢。
Bring it in. 来抱一个。
Oh, come on. Get a roomba. 拜托,去开房吧。
Honey, the key chain was a bust. I need something else. Quick. Come on. 亲爱的,钥匙链不够好。我需要别的东西,快点,想一个。
Got it. You want to sing the song. Good thing I brought my ukulele on the trip. 明白,你想唱那首歌。幸好我带着尤克里里琴踏上了旅程。
Trip! 旅程!
When Alex was little, I took her for brunch at that cute little Dutch town up north. 艾丽克斯小的时候,我曾带她去北边的那个荷兰小镇吃早午餐。
I-I could take her there again. A trip for just the two of us. It's perfect. 我可以再带她去一趟。只属于我们两个的旅程,太棒了。
When you don't -- Claire? 当你没有...克莱尔?
Alex, honey, do you remember -- 艾丽克斯,宝贝,你还记得...
Oh, my God, Mom! Grandpa got me a trip to Europe for my graduation! 天哪,妈妈!外公送了我一趟欧洲旅行庆祝我毕业!
I just wanted her to know how much she meant to me. 我想让她知道她对我有多重要。
I hate this family. 我讨厌这一家子。
Phil, I need to talk to you, man-to-man. I think Mitchell's having an affair. 菲尔,我需要跟你进行男人之间的谈话。我觉得米奇尔出轨了。