生活口语天天说 第167期:怎样询问汇款到达时间(在线收听

 I'd like to send the money by cable.  我要电汇这笔钱。

All right. Please fill in this form. 好的。请填写表格。
When will the money arrive? 这笔钱什么时候能到?
Only one or two days later. 一两天后。
How long will the money arrive if I send it by air? 如果航空汇款的话需要多长时间?
Would you like to send the money by air or by cable? 您打算航空汇款还是电汇呢?
How long will the money arrive if I send it by air? 如果航空汇款的话需要多长时间?
About 5 days. 大约5天。
How about by cable? 那么电汇呢?
It takes only one day. 只需1天。