生活口语天天说 第210期:怎样抱怨(在线收听

 Why do you have my hair cut so short?  你为什么把我的头发剪得这么短?

Oh, no! 哦,不!
What's the matter? 怎么了?
Why do you have my hair cut so short?  你为什么把我的头发剪得这么短?
You told me to cut your hair short. 你让我把你的头发剪短的。
I look like a boy now. 我现在看起来像个男孩。
I don't like this hair style. 我不喜欢这个发型。
You look much younger in this style. 这个发型使你看起来年轻多了。
But it's too fashionable and doesn't match my profession. 但是太时尚了,和我的职业不相配。