
 Hey, you want to know a trick?Yeah. 想学个戏法吗  想

You plant your feet in the sand and you stand still through the whole first wave.Okay. 把你的脚埋到沙里  然后站直  直到一个浪打过来  好的
Then the next wave's gonna feel warmer.And then the one after that's gonna feel warmer still. 下个浪到来时  你会感觉暖和多了  然后再下一个浪  你会感觉更加暖和
Finally, you're barely gonna notice the cold at all.Are you ready?Yeah. 最后  你将感觉不到一丝寒意  准备好了吗  好了
Here it comes. 浪来咯
You must come from a family of polar bears.That water is ice cold. 你一定和北极熊是同乡  这水冰凉刺骨
Only at first.After a while, you can't feel anything. 只是刚开始会觉得冷  过段时间  你就没有感觉了
Sounds like my marriage.You must be the new renter. 就像我的婚姻一样  你一定是新来的租客吧
Emily Thorne.Word gets around fast. 艾米莉·索恩  消息传得可真快呀
Like lightning.I'm lydia Davis.My husband and I own the house you're staying in. 像闪电一样  我是莉迪亚·戴维斯  你租的房子是我和我丈夫的
It's so nice to meet you.I can't tell you how much I love it. 很高兴见到你  我非常喜欢这房子
Me, too.Some good memories were made there. 我也是  那里有我美好的记忆
Well, hopefully I can make some of my own. 希望我也能留下一些
So long as we don't have to take it out of your damage deposit. 只要别因房屋破损  扣你押金就好
Welcome to the Hamptons. 欢迎来到汉普顿
Federal prosecutors wrapped up their case for treason against disgraced hedge fund executive David Clarke. 联邦检察官以叛国罪对颜面扫地的基金会总裁大卫·克拉克的诉讼结案
Taking the stand was clarke's secretary,Lydia Davis, 出庭作证的是克拉克的秘书  莉迪亚·戴维斯
whose testimony supported the damning allegations made by Clarke's former boss,Conrad Grayson. 她的证词有力地证明了  对克拉克前任老板康拉德·格雷森的指控
Grayson's testimony detailed the scheme Clarke used to channel money to the terrorists responsible for the downing of flight 1-9-7. 格雷森的证词详尽描述了  克拉克向制造197航班事故的恐怖分子提供资金支持的细节
All 246 Americans onboard that flight were killed. 乘坐该航班的264位美国人无一生还
What do you like better, dad,sea glass or starfish?Dad? 爸爸  你更喜欢哪个  海鸥还是海星  爸爸
Starfish, definitely. 当然是海星了
Here you go.Thank you. 给你  谢谢你
David, it's Victoria. 大卫  是我  维多利亚
Hey, do you mind going and looking after Sammy for me?Sure. 亲爱的  带山姆出去玩儿  好吗  好的
David, are you there? 大卫  你在吗
What's the matter, Sammy? 你怎么了  山姆
Hey, everything okay? 一切都好吗  
Whatcha doin'?Daddy! 你在干吗  爸爸
Whoa, whoa. What's going on? 发生了什么
Hands up so I can see 'em. What's going on? 把手举到我能看到的地方  怎么了
You're making a mis—wait!You're making a mistake! 等等  这是个误会
Get your hands off my daughter! Aah! No!Amanda! Let her go!Amanda! Amanda! 放开我女儿  阿曼达  放开她  阿曼达  阿曼达
David Clarke had everyone fooled,including me. 大卫·克拉克把大家都耍了  包括我
I'm just glad I can help put that monster away. 我很高兴能帮忙将这个败类绳之以法