
 Where the hell you been all day?There's a ton of work to do around here. 你一整天都跑到哪去了  这儿有一大堆工作等着你干呢

You really screwed me, you know that? 你把我害惨了
I promised a girl I'd take her sailing.Yeah, that's why I asked if I could borrow the boat. 我答应了一个女孩儿带她出海  所以我才问你借那艘船
Okay. Well, I'm sorry I couldn't accommodate your joyride. 好吧  对不起我没能满足你的游船活动
You'll just have to find another way to impress her. 找其他方式讨好她吧
What is your problem?You and dad have been acting like such tools lately. 你怎么了  你和老爸最近表现得像白痴一样
Are you really that blind to what's going on?Dad's broke. 你真的看不出来吗  爸爸破产了
I sold the boat to keep this albatross going. 我卖了那艘船偿还了债务  酒吧才得以继续经营
Is that true?Cancel that transaction. 真的吗  取消那笔交易
It's too late, pop.The bank already applied the sale to your loan. 已经晚了  爸爸  银行已经将卖船的钱抵了你的贷款
Th-then we'll buy it back. 那我们把船买回来  
With what?All of our assets are right here in this room. 用什么买  我们全部家当都在这儿了
Dad, I'm trying to save this place for you. 爸爸  我在努力为你保住这个酒吧
Nobody asked you to do that, Jack!I'm the captain of this family, not you. 没人要求你这么做  杰克  我是一家之主  不是你
Jack, I'm sorry.I didn't know. 杰克 对不起  我不知道
Well...Now you do. 那么 现在你知道了
Hello, Jack.I'm trying to book my next sailing expedition.But you are making it very difficult. 杰克  你好  我打算预定下一次远航之旅  但找你怎么这么困难啊
I told you, if you got in my way, I would take you down. 我告诉过你  你要是妨碍我  我会收拾你的
You stole my house. 你抢走了我的房子
If I hadn't, Victoria would have.She outbid you with a cash offer this morning. 我要是不抢  维多利亚就会抢走  她今早出的价比你高  还现款支付
How could you have possibly known that? 你怎么可能知道这些
Cause I hacked the realtor's computer.I've been tracking the sale all week. 因为我黑了房地产经纪人的电脑  这一整周我都在追踪那房子的销售进程
Victoria outbid you,so I outbid her. 维多利亚出了比你高的价  所以我出了比她高的价
Why is it so important for you to be a part of this? 为什么参与这件事对你这么重要
When I met your dad,I'd already been laughed out of every boardroom in New York. 我刚遇见你父亲的时候  我已经被纽约所有公司的董事会给嘲笑了个遍
I was an MIT misfit with a vision that nobody got but him. 我就是个麻省理工怪才  无人赏识  除了你爸爸
The only reason nolcorp exists is because your father gave me cash from his personal account to develop it.And that's because he believed in me. 诺氏企业之所以存在  就是你父亲自掏腰包帮我建立了这个公司  那是因为他相信我
I want the deed to the house. 我要那房子的房契
It's already in your name.Consider it a...birthday gift for Amanda.Tomorrow is the big day, isn't it? 已经在你名下了  就当作给阿曼达的生日礼物  明天是她的生日  不是吗