《复仇》 第63期:憎恨的动力(在线收听

 Let me get this straight. 让我把事情搞清楚

Your mom said she was sorry, then she gave you this car? 你妈妈说她很抱歉  然后送了你这辆车吗
Just gave it to you, like it was nothing. 就这样给你了  好像它不值一文
It is nothing. 它就是不值一文
Oh, you guys got some cool ways of resolving your family issues. 你们解决家庭问题的方法真酷
Oh, my god. 我的老天
Charlotte, um, pull over. 夏洛特  停车
Listen, dad... 听我说  爸爸
The world you operate in isn't for me. 你所操控的世界并不适合我
I don't want to follow your path. 我不想跟你走一样的路
Then what path do you plan to follow, Daniel? 那你打算走什么样的路  丹尼尔
I don't know. 不知道
Well, maybe I can hasten your decision. 也许我能使你快点做决定
Till you come to your senses, 在你找到方向以前
I'm freezing your trust. 我将冻结你的信托基金
Do whatever you have to, dad. 随你便吧  爸爸
Well done, Lydia. 真出色  莉迪亚
I am so happy that we're friends again. 真开心我们又做回朋友了
Well, it certainly appears that way, doesn't it? 看起来的确如此  不是吗
But then again, 但话说回来
appearances can be deceiving, can't they? 看似美好的事物是最会迷惑人的  对吗
And you've practically made it an art form. 而你已经都把这玩得出神入化了
Understand something, Lydia. 有些事你得明白  莉迪亚
Every time I smile at you across a room, 当我每次在厅的另一头向你微笑
or we run into each other at a luncheon, 或在午宴上遇见你
or I welcome you into my home... 再或是邀请你来我的家时
let that smile be a reminder 让那灿烂的微笑时时提醒你
of just how much I despise you. 我对你无比的鄙视
And that every time I hug you, 而每一次我拥抱你时
the warmth you feel 你所感觉到的温暖
is my hatred burning through. 是我熊熊燃烧的憎恨
Good-bye, Lydia. 再见  莉迪亚
My husband's waiting for me. 我的丈夫正等着我