《复仇》 第67期:需要提醒就不用来了!(在线收听

 You still have 15 invitees listed as maybes. 还有15个宾客不确定是否出席

I'll e-mail reminders out today. 我今天发提醒邮件给他们
Oh, well, this 4th of July party 国庆日派对在过去二十年来
is a Hampton tradition for 20 years. 一直是汉普顿的传统
Anyone who needs reminding shouldn't come. 如果有谁还需要提醒  那就别来了
Okay. 知道了
I thought we might set the dessert buffet 我觉得甜点餐桌不能放草坪上
here in the conservatory rather than out on the lawn. 还是放在玻璃房里比较好
It can get quite buggy. Fine. 草坪上虫子多 可以
How would you like to acknowledge Lydia's absence? 你要怎么告知莉迪亚的缺席呢
Maybe an open seat at your table in a show of support? 要不要在你那桌空一个位置  以表支持
Let's send her a supportive bouquet of flowers 给医院送一束花吧
to the hospital. 聊表慰藉
That should suffice. 那就够了
I have some errands to run. Carry on. 我还有点事  你继续
Okay. 好的