《复仇》 第70期:自力更生(在线收听

 It seems there are two rules, 看起来有两条自然规律  

one for these special centenarians 一条是针对那些特别的百岁老人  
and one for everyone else. 一条是针对其他人
For most of us, 对于大部分人来说 
our health depends less on the genes we are born with 我们的健康只有少部分是由基因决定
and more on how we choose to live. 大部分是由我们的生活方式决定
It's commonly believed that 普遍认为  人的寿命是由
it's 80% the environment and 20% genes. 百分之八十的环境和百分之二十的基因决定
In centenarians, it's probably the opposite. 对于这些百岁老人来说  或许正好相反
It's probably 80% the genes 或许是由百分之八十的基因
and 20% the environment. 和百分之二十的环境决定
Because our centenarians have longevity genes, 因为我们的这些百岁老人都很长寿
they are protected against many of the effects of the environment. 大多数环境都影响不到他们
That's why they do whatever they want to do 所以他们可以想做什么就做什么 
and they get there anyhow. 还能照样长寿
Nir has seen this by watching one of his wife's relatives. 尼尔从他妻子的亲戚那就见识过了这点
This is my grandmother in law, Freda, 这是我的祖母  弗雷
and that's her 100th birthday party. 那是在她百岁大寿的寿宴上
At that time she was dating 当时她在和
an 85 year old guy that drove a car. 一个85岁的老司机约会
Look how she grabs the bottle and pouring herself and 看看她是如何握住瓶子  给自己倒酒
laughing all at the same time, right? 还在哈哈大笑
You can sense the type there, right? 你有看到旁边的字吗