《复仇》 第71期:浪漫主义色彩(在线收听

 Ashley. 阿什莉

What are you doing here? 你在这干什么
Daniel's working tonight, remember? 丹尼尔今晚要工作  记得吗
I came to support you, 我来给你捧场的
and to say that I'm sorry. 还要跟你道歉
I-I don't know what got into me. 不知道我是怎么了
I behaved so terribly last night. 昨天晚上  我太失礼了
Yes, you did. 你的确很无礼
I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
Is Tyler around? I owe him an apology as well. 泰勒在吗  我也得向他道个歉
I think Mrs. Grayson dispatched him to the Stowaway 我想格雷森夫人派他去偷渡者酒吧了
in the hopes that he might be able to drag Daniel back to his senses. 期望他能帮丹尼尔恢复理智
Isn't that the guy who brought that old dog 那个家伙不就是带了只老狗
to your housewarming party? 参加你乔迁派对的人吗
That's Jack Porter. 那是杰克·波特
He owns the Stowaway. 他是偷渡者酒吧的老板
Well, what on earth is he doing here? 他到底来这里干什么
Oh, Nolan. I should've guessed. 诺兰搞的鬼  我早该想到
Excuse me. 失陪一下
What does a guy have to do 如果哥们想在这里喝一杯
to get a drink around here, huh? 得怎么弄呢
Ty, what are you doing here? 泰  你来这里干什么
Shouldn't you be at the party with Ashley? 你不是应该陪阿什莉参加派对吗
Well, she's working, so I came to see you. 她在忙着工作  所以我过来看看你
I'm working, too. 我也在忙工作呢
Look, I didn't mean to belittle 昨晚我不是故意贬低
the whole bartending thing last night. 你酒吧招待的工作
I feel bad. 我很后悔
The truth is, I'm kind of envious. 事实上  我有点嫉妒你
Right. 是吗
You're forging your own path, making your own destiny. 你在用自己的双手创造未来
That's romantic stuff, man. 充满浪漫主义色彩  哥们儿
Well, thank you. 谢谢你这么说
And if I'm gonna keep you company on your first night, 如果我打算在你工作的第一晚陪你
the least you could do is join me for a shot. 那么你最起码得陪我喝一杯吧
Absolutely not. No way. 绝对不行  没门
Oh, come on. We're-- 来吧  我们...
We're christening the "S.S. Daniel", 我们是在为"丹尼尔号"的起航庆祝
navigating the waters of uncertainty 在未知的水域中行进
in search of his own future. 探索他自己的未来之路
It's beautiful. - All right. All right. All right. One shot. 实在太美好了  -好吧好吧  就一杯