《复仇》 第78期:对这段感情是认真的(在线收听

 And funnily enough, I'm actually enjoying it. 说来也怪  我乐在其中

Bartending? Really? 酒吧招待  真的吗
Yeah, it's been really humbling. 是的  说来很惭愧
The family that owns the Stowaway 经营偷渡者酒吧的那家人
have poured their hearts and souls into the business. 尽心尽力地做着生意
I've got nothing but respect for them. 我打心眼里钦佩他们
You know, Daniel, I was rereading the interview 丹尼尔  我重新看了去年夏天
that we did last summer. 对你做的采访
You were quite the party boy then. 那时候你可是很爱玩的
Ugh. You know, people change. 人总会变的
I've changed, 而我变了
and just in time. 正是时候
In time for what? 正是什么时候
I... 我
What's her name? 她叫什么名字
Uh, I'm sorry. 不好意思
She values her privacy, and I respect that, so-- 她很重视个人隐私  我尊重她  所以...
Oh, come on. 拜托
Just a hint? 就给点暗示吧
Is it serious? 你对这段感情是认真的吗
Hopefully. 希望是
Now if there's nothing else? 没别的事了吧
Always a pleasure. 很高兴见到你
Thank you. 谢谢
Did you get everything you need? 新闻素材全都收集到了吗
Actually, he was a little cagey. 他对我有点戒心
Ooh. Don't tell me he gave you 不要告诉我  他跟你说了
the whole "Emily's a very private person" thing. "艾米莉是个注重隐私的人"
Actually, he didn't mention any names at all. 事实上  他连她名字都没告诉我
Emily who? 艾米莉  她姓什么