早安英文 第491期:一些说出来会让英国人都震惊的俚语(在线收听

 1. Fluke -- If something great happened to you by chance that would be a fluke. 侥幸,走运
What a fluke! 哇运气也太好了吧!
I got a pass in my science exam by fluke! 我侥幸通过了科学测试!

2. Zonked -- If someone is zonked or "zonked out" it means they are totally knackered or you might say exhausted. 形容非常困,很累
I was zonked after 2 classes. 上完两节课的我就已经困的不省人事了

3. Skiff -- A British slang term used to indicate when someone has failed to turn up for work or an obligation due to pretending to fake illness. Most commonly used with schoolchildren trying to get out of school, or dissatisfied office workers trying to pull a sick day. 偷懒,开小差,借故离开
He tried to skive off work but got caught by his manager. 他想翘班结果被经理抓了(摊手)。

4. Gobsmacked -- Amazed. 目瞪口呆。
I'd be gobsmacked if someone accused me of skivving!
