

Despite the Trump Administration’s hardline policies, migrants fleeing poverty and crime in Guatemala,El Salvador and Honduras continue to travel through Mexico to try to enter the United States.In February alone some 76,000 individuals mostly families were apprehended on the southwest border. President Donald Trump who campaigned on bolstering border security was apparently increasingly frustrated with Homeland Security Secretary Kirsten Nielsen and fired her Sunday.Nielsen spoke briefly Monday.

尽管特朗普政府采取了强硬政策,从危地马拉、萨尔瓦多和洪都拉斯逃难的移民继续试图通过墨西哥进入美国。仅在2月份,就有大约7.6万人在西南边境被捕,大多数都是一家子。唐纳德·特朗普总统曾在竞选中大力支持边境安全,但他显然对国土安全部部长柯尔斯滕·尼尔森(Kirsten Nielsen)越来越失望,并于周日解雇了她。尼尔森星期一发表了简短讲话。

I shared the president’s goal of securing the border.I will continue to support all efforts to address the humanitarian and security crisis on the border.Trump announced currently US Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McCauley as the acting official to replace Nielson and appears to be gearing up for an even more hardline stance on immigration.

我和总统目标一致,都是为了保卫边境安全。我将继续支持任何解决边境人道主义和安全危机的所有努力。特朗普目前宣布,美国海关和边境保护局局长凯文·麦考利(Kevin McCauley)将接替尼尔森担任代理官员,并似乎准备在移民问题上采取更加强硬的立场。

On Monday the White House did not rule out that Trump is considering reinstating a policy of separating migrant children from their families at the border.Separation of families, you know, the president has said before, he does not like that,it’s a horrible practice but Congress has a way to fix that so it will not be a magnet for people to come here to use children to do it.Family separation was implemented from April to June of last year and was overturned in a court decision. If faced massive public outrage and did not reduce the number of migrants.


In face more individuals were coming here, so I think it’s the administration trying to find ways to deter these individuals but the problem is deterrence doesn’t address the conditions and sending countries,for instance, it won’t address the violence and will address the poverty; it won’t address the fact that a lot these individuals just simply see no other option.


Trump continues to blame opposition Democrats who are challenging his national emergency declaration at the border.Unfortunately Democrats have refused to close immigration loopholes.That’s it is really what all about.Last Thursday Trump backtracked on his threat to close a southern border and praised Mexico for doing more to stop the flow of migrants.But by the end of the week he was directing aides to take tougher steps to address the problem and is reportedly considering firing more people.Patsy Widakuswara, VOA News, at the White House.

