《复仇》 第121期:从来没有如此开心(在线收听

 How you doing? 还好吗

Never been happier. 从没这么开心过
Want me to take over? 要换我来开吗
It feels good to be in control of something, you know? Yeah. 握着掌控权的感觉真好 是啊
Whenever I'm out here, I get a sense of freedom 出海的时候  就有种自由的感觉
that I...I never feel on shore. 是...是我在陆地上感受不到的
It's like I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be. 好像找到了归属
I can't tell you the last time 我都记不清上次
I felt either one of those things. 有这些感受是什么时候的事了
Anytime you want to take her out, 你什么时候想乘它出海
she's right here. 它都随时为你起航
And so am I. 我也一样
Whoa, whoa, whoa. You okay? 你还好吧
Sorry. Um...It's just...This...You... 抱歉 只是 此情 此景
Things haven't been right for me 长久以来
in a very long time. 我一直过得不顺
Well, if it makes you feel any better, 我们俩同病相怜
we're in the same boat. 希望你听了能好受些
Is there any chance 你有可能
you might stick around a little while longer? 在这儿呆久一点吗
I want to, but, um... 我是很想了  可...
It's complicated. 情况太复杂了
Yeah. Nolan said as much. 没错 诺兰也这么说
Listen, whatever it is... 不管是什么情况
I can handle it. 我都能理解