《复仇》 第128期:大卫克拉克的女儿(在线收听

 Amanda Clarke? 阿曼达·克拉克

As in David Clarke's daughter? 大卫·克拉克的那个女儿吗
As in Jack's new girlfriend. 是杰克的新女友
Wait. You're not talking about that David Clarke? 等等  你不会是在说那位大卫·克拉克吧
What, you didn't know? 什么  你不知道吗
He used to own this place. 这房子曾经是他的
Oh, my god. 我的天呐
My realtor conveniently neglected to mention that. 我的房产经纪人把这点给隐瞒了
Yeah, well, I didn't really know them, 我也不太认识他们
but her father was working for my father 但她爸爸曾经为我爸工作过
when all those people were killed. 正是空难发生前后那段时期
How horrible for your family. 这对你家来说有多恐怖啊
Well, it was a long time ago. 是啊  那是很久以前的事了
How was the rest of your day? 你今天过得怎么样
Well, I decided not to tell my father about Tyler. 我不打算告诉我爸泰勒的事
He'll dig his own grave. 他会自掘坟墓的
The only way for me to truly beat him 对我而言  只有靠实力
should be on merit. 才是真的击败他
I like that plan. 我支持你
Great. Then I hope you won't mind joining me tonight 太好了  明晚跟我一起去
for dinner with Mr.Takeda. 陪武田先生吃饭吧
I'm gonna need my Japanese translater. 我需要你做我的翻译
Of course. 当然可以
You're a gem. 爱死你了
I'm gonna take a shower. 我去冲个澡