《复仇》 第138期:离婚的前兆(在线收听

 Hey, babe. I know how you like your morning coffee. 宝贝  我知道你早晨喜欢来杯咖啡

You know how I like everything. 我的喜好你一清二楚
I missed you last night. 昨晚很想你
Yeah, me, too. 我也是
Any update on Tyler? 泰勒那儿有消息吗
No. He never came home last night. 没有  他昨晚没回家
How's your mom holding up? 你妈妈还好吗
Oh, she's all right, considering the circumstances. 在现在这种情况下  还算好
She's past the initial shock of the divorce papers 她已经平复了收到离婚文件时的震惊
and now she's redirecting her energies 现在重新打起了精神
into planning my birthday party. 正在筹办我的生日宴会
And that's a bad thing? 难道不好吗
For my 21st, she hired the cast of Cirque du Soleil to perform. 21岁生日时  她请了太阳马戏团来表演
Subtlety is not her strong suit when it comes to parties. 只要涉及到宴会  她就精明不起来了
Well, why don't we do something low-key? 不如这次办得低调点吧
Maybe a clambake on the beach? 海滩烧烤晚宴  如何
Sounds perfect. 听起来不错
I'll call my mom, tell her it was my idea. 那我给妈打电话  告诉她是我的主意
Mm. And I'll make sure she feels included. 我会让她融入其中的
Hello? Daniel. 有人在吗 丹尼尔
What are you doing here? 你来这里干什么
I'm on my way to sit down 我正准备和你妈妈
with your mother and our lawyers, 还有律师  洽谈离婚事宜
and I was hoping that you and I could have a chat first. 但我想先和你聊一下
You know what? I was just about to leave. 我正打算要走
Call me later? Okay. 晚点给我打电话 好