《复仇》 第174期:一切都有变化的可能(在线收听

 He says you wrote him a note 他说  在他定罪前一晚

on the eve of his conviction 给他写了一张纸条
promising to go to prosecutor Kingsly 许诺你会去找检察官金斯莱
with information that would exonerate him. 呈上能帮他洗脱罪名的证据
Clearly no such thing came to pass. 事实证明这是没有的事儿
So you're denying the existence of that note? 所以你否认那张纸条的存在吗
That's the end of the interview. 采访结束了
But it's only just begun. 这才刚刚开始
David Clarke's obviously using you 大卫·克拉克明显是在利用你
to try and sell his preposterous story 让更多人相信他的荒谬故事
in a desperate attempt to launch some sort of appeal. 只为获得上诉做最后一搏
And that's something any reporter worth his salt 称职的记者都该
would recognize immediately. 马上识破这个计谋
We'll have no part of it. 我们不会参与此事
As you wish. 随便你们
But I'm going to write this story 不管你们接不接受采访
with or without your input. 我都会发表这个故事
Feel free to sue me. 尽管起诉我吧
My only asset is an answering machine 我的唯一财产就是一部答录机
brimming over with livid messages from my creditors. 里面全是债主的咆哮体留言
You see, I have nothing to lose, Mr. and Mrs. Grayson. 正如所见  我一无所有  格雷森先生夫人
While you, it would appear, have plenty. 而看上去你们坐拥甚多
Just a moment, Mr. Treadwell. 等等  特德韦尔先生
Perhaps there is an arrangement that can be made after all. 或许还有其他可行的方案