《复仇》 第202期:复仇使人残忍无情(在线收听

 Good morning, Nolan. 早上好  诺兰

"Fire&Ice." Mm. Subtle. "冰与火"  这主题不错
Was fire and brimstone not available? 炼狱之火不是更合适吗
I didn't check. 没想过
What happened to pressing pause and regrouping? 不是说好停战休整的吗
Victoria told Daniel that my father raped her. 维多利亚告诉丹尼尔  我爸爸强暴了她
That that's how she became pregnant with Charlotte. 所以她才会怀上夏洛特
Wow. She threw a dead man under the bus? 死无对证  她就让你爸背骂名了
She's certainly committed. 她真够狠心的
So am I. 我也不会手软
You're thinking of going wide about Charlotte's paternity, 你想把夏洛特亲生父亲的事弄得人尽皆知
aren't you? 是吧
Just waiting for the perfect moment. 只是在等待最佳时机
And you're not worried at all about 你就一点也不担心
how that might affect your little sis? 这事对你妹妹的影响吗
One way or another, she's gonna find out. 无论如何  她都会发现的
I want it to be my way. 我想以我的方式解决
You might want to give that some second thought. 或许你应该再考虑一下
Last time you had it your way, 上次用你的方式解决问题时
Jack ended up with three cracked ribs and a broken heart. 杰克落得遍体鳞伤  心如死灰的下场
His wounds will heal in time. 总有一天  他的伤口会痊愈
I'm just happy that he's finally out of this. 我只是为他远离麻烦而高兴
Good-bye, Nolan. 再见  诺兰