《复仇》 第218期:爱过太多女人(在线收听

 How about a dance? 跳支舞如何

I'd love that. 乐意之至
You okay with this, Charlotte? 夏洛特  一个人去行吗
Just give me a second, Declan. 等我一会  德克兰
I love you. 我爱你
Level with me, Vicky. 和我说实话  维姬
You think this marriage can be saved? 你们的婚姻还有救吗
Come on, dad. 算了吧  爸爸
You can hardly be surprised. 答案显而易见  毫不诧异
Besides, you and I have always spoken the same language. 再说了  你和我总站在统一战线
I've loved a lot of women in my life, 这辈子我爱过很多女人
but I never could figure out 但总找不到
how to make it last. 能持之以恒的方法
Well, maybe that's because you loved too many at the same time. 可能是因为你一次爱了很多人吧
Fair enough. 有道理
But I'm 80 now... 我如今80岁了
with nothing to show for it. 也没什么奢望
I don't want the same fate for you and Conrad. 我只是不想看到你和康拉德有与我一样的命运
Oh, neither do I. 我也不想
Promise me that this is not gonna get ugly. 向我保证  这事别处理得太难堪
Here's Amanda's tape. 这是阿曼达的带子
Thanks, man. 谢了  伙计
I couldn't have gone to anyone else about this. 这事我没找过别人
Lucky for you, you got 你真走运  你有
the captain of the geek squad in your back pocket. 极客团队长做你的坚实后盾
That's not what I'm saying, Nolan. 我不是这个意思  诺兰
You've been a really good friend. 你确实是个好朋友
Probably one of my only. 可能是我唯一的好友了