《复仇》 第223期:维护母亲的行为像个傻瓜(在线收听

 How's Charlotte? 夏洛特怎么样了

She's not answering her phone. 她不接电话
She should never have found out this way. 她不应该以这种方式发现真相
She's stronger than you think. 她比你想象中坚强
I think I'll go look for her. 我得去找她了
I feel like such a fool for defending my mother. 我觉得我维护妈妈的行为真像个傻瓜
If she lied about this, 如果她在这件事上撒了谎
I'll never believe another word she says. 我就再也不会相信她说的任何话了
I'll come by later, all right? 我过会再来  好吗
Maybe she had her reasons, you know? 知道吗  也许她有苦衷
So now you're on her side? 你现在站在她那边了
No, Charlotte, I'm on your side. 不  夏洛特  我是站你这边的
But maybe it's not what it seems. 但也许事情并不像看起来那样
Maybe there's something more to understand. 也许这事背后还另有隐情
No, there isn't. 不  没有了
This is my mother we're talking about. 我们说的是我妈  不是别人
Charlotte, that's not a good idea right now. 夏洛特  现在买醉不是个好主意
Come on. 拜托
Look, you're either with me... 听着  你要不就支持我
or against me. 要不就反对我
I'm with you, Charlotte. 我一向支持你  夏洛特
But this isn't you. 但这不像你
Just because he's not really your dad 虽然他不是你的生父
doesn't mean he's gonna stop being your father. 但并不代表着他不会继续做你的父亲
That's exactly what it means. 他不会是我父亲了
Well, at least you still have one. 至少你还有父亲