打工姐妹花第二季 第202期:因爱情预言而走心(在线收听

 You want to know your future? No, no thanks. 想知道你的未来吗?不必,谢了。

You sure? I have a message about your love life. $10. 你确定吗?我有个关于你爱情的预言呢。十块钱。
Are you asleep? Max? Max, I really need to talk. 你在睡觉吗?麦克斯?我有话想跟你谈。
Oh, just come in and get it over with. Everybody else does. 直接进来发泄不就得了。其他人都这样。
Max, I'm sorry, but I really need to talk. 抱歉,麦克斯,我真的想跟你谈一下 。
I went to the fortune teller near the diner, and she told me that I'd never find love in my life. 我去了餐厅附近的算命店,她说我这辈子注定一生无爱。
Fortune-telling's a scam. 算命都是骗人的把戏。
"You'll never find a man, your moon's in Uranus, no man will ever be in Uranus." "你的月亮与天王星相位,这辈子都没男人。天王星上本来就没男人。"
I could've told you that the second day I met you. 我认识你的第二天就能编这些给你听了。
Please, Max, just listen for five minutes. Come over here. I'll make you some tea. 求你了,麦克斯,听我说五分钟就好。过来嘛,我给你泡杯茶。
Tea? Who am I, Pippa Middleton? 还喝茶?你当我是凯特王妃她妹啊?
Toast me an eggo waffle and maybe I'm listening. 给我烤个松饼吃吃,我就考虑听听。
Well, we were saving that waffle for a special occasion, but okay. 我们本来是要留到特殊时刻才吃的呢,不过好吧。
Chestnut, we're eating your birthday waffle now. 栗宝,我们现在要吃掉你的生日松饼啦。
I don't know why I'm pissing him off. 真不知道我干嘛还要惹他生气。
He's gonna be the only man in my life. 他可能是我这辈子唯一的男人了。
I can't believe you blew $10 on a psychic. 我真不敢相信你花十块钱去找神婆。
Why didn't you just buy a Skinnygirl margarita like all the other lonely white chicks? 你就不能跟其他寂寞的白妞一样买瓶玛格丽塔借酒浇愁吗?
I spent $50. I bought a crystal that protects me from bad juju. 我花了50块。我还买了一块挡坏运的水晶。
Hey! There's no reason to get anti-semitic. 你也不需要因此讨厌犹太人吧。
You spent money on crystal you can't snort? What is wrong with you? 你还花钱买不能吸食的水晶?你脑子是哪里有病啊?
I freaked out. I didn't want it to be true. 我吓到了嘛。不想要一生无爱。
Is it true, Max? Am I never gonna find love? 会是真的吗,麦克斯?我真的会一生无爱吗?
Was Andy my one chance? Did I screw it up because I wanted success? Was everyone right? 安迪是我唯一的希望吗?我因为想成功而抛弃了唯一的爱吗?大家说的真的对吗?
That is a lot of questions for one waffle. And where is that waffle? 就给一块松饼也问太多问题了吧。而且那块松饼呢?
You're a bad waitress at home too. 你在家也是个烂服务员。