打工姐妹花第二季 第203期:擦灰指甲药膏(在线收听

 Who could that be? 这么晚会是谁啊?

I don't know. Let me consult the spirits. Who is it? 不知道。让我请示一下四方神灵。是谁啊?
It's Sophie. Yeah, it's me. 是苏菲。没错就是我。
The shady lady with the illegal business. 有着非法生意的坏女人。
Yeah, and Caroline, you owe me an apology 卡洛琳,你得给我道歉,
or I will take out these hoops, nd we will get into it, girl. 要不然我会摘下这耳环然后跟你大战一番。
Yeah, and I warn you, I did some extreme fighting in Warsaw. 我警告你哦,我在老家时可是有不少极限战斗的经验。
Extreme fighting? That's awesome. 极限战斗?这么酷啊。
Yeah, they would throw a big hunk of cheese in a trough and let all the village girls just go at it. 对啊,他们会把一大块起司丢饲料槽里,村里的姑娘就会抢上去大打出手。
Sorry, Sophie. It just seemed like a better business decision to go with the forgery. 抱歉,苏菲。只是当时觉得伪造个签名会对我们生意比较好嘛。
What is that? Is that a waffle? Okay! You are forgiven. 那是什么?是松饼吗?好吧!原谅你了。
Damn it. I didn't even get a bite. I'm awake and sober for nothing. 靠。我连一口都没吃到。白起床跟忍着不喝酒了。
Sophie, do you believe in psychics? 苏菲,你相信灵媒吗?
Oh, no. That's all fake. You know, I knew a family of gypsy psychics 才不信呢。那是骗人的。我以前认识一个吉普赛灵媒家庭,
who couldn't even predict that they would all die in a barn fire. 但他们甚至预测不到他们会全家葬身火海。
Hey, girls. Sorry to interrupt, 姑娘们。抱歉打扰,
but Sophie promised to rub antifungal cream on my thick, yellow toenails. 苏菲之前答应我要帮我又黄又厚的脚趾甲擦灰指甲药膏呢。
Oleg, come over here. I'll do it in between bites. 奥列格过来吧。我边吃边帮你擦。
This is what you're afraid you're missing? Because this is a relationship. 你害怕得不到的就是这个吗?这就是爱情啊。
Seriously, Max. That's something I really want. 麦克斯,我是认真的。我真的想要有个爱人。
And now I'm never gonna have it. 但看来我这辈子是无缘了。
Get in there, baby. I have two feet. 你也来吧,宝贝。我有两只脚呢。