《复仇》 第353期:害死无辜的人们(在线收听

 Anyone making any interesting resolutions this year? 今年大家有啥有趣的决定吗

I don't believe in making promises I never intend to keep. 我从不相信自己信口开河的那些话
My resolution is to spend more time on the campaign trail 我的决定是多花点时间在竞选演说上
telling people what they want to hear. 说些民众爱听的话
Not all of the people. 众口难调
Who invented this idiotic tradition anyways? 话说是谁开始的这个白痴传统
It's pagan from pre-Christian Rome. 罗马前基督教的异教徒
January is of course named for Janus, 一月当然是以杰纳斯之名命名的
the patron and protector of endings and beginnings, 起始与终结的主宰者和守护者
a God with two faces. 双面神
Isn't that appropriate? 双面再合适不过了
One face looking forward, one looking back. 一面朝前看  一面往回看
Of course, we don't much like looking in that direction, do we? 当然  我们都不太喜欢往回看  是吧
Better to forget the innocent people 最好忘记那些
we've had to destroy in order to... 我们为了生存下去
ensure our own survival. 而害死的无辜的人们
Oh, Roger brought the drunkard out early this year. 罗杰现在就开始说胡话了
How droll. 太滑稽了
Oh, there you are. Miss. 小姐  你在这
Oh, I got you. 我来扶你
I'll help you. I promise. 我会帮你的  我保证
All right. I'm all right. 没事  我没醉
I'm all right. Oh, Frank. 我没醉  弗兰克
Be a good dog and fetch me a refill, will you? 当条听话的狗  给我去倒杯酒吧
I think you've had enough. 我想你喝够了